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Empfohlene Beiträge

Sry das ich ein wenig viel rein hau aber hier ist die komplette Liste:



"Rarely Plays"



1: Do not log in for 30 days.


Notes: This is a tricky rank to "test" for, for obvious reasons. I did in fact

not log in for twenty five days and did not receive it, but 30 days might not

be "correct" either. I'll explain: Tsuchinoko is based off the "Weekly Total"

screen, It may be a certain amount of "weeks" that need to be zeroed out, but

I'm not sure. I do know that Tsu will appear once you play a round after enough

time has passed, and will stay until that specific week is reset. After that

reset, you'll either go to any other rank you qualify for, or keep Tsu if

you have nothing else. Tsuchinoko is listed at the top since it can override

any rank, if only for a small period of time.





"A Living Legend"



1: 1.5 K/D ratio or above (Apply to TDM and DM)

2: 65% Win ratio or above (Apply to Rescue, Capture, and Team Sneaking)

3: Bases Conquered divided by total Base games played must be higher than 1.2





"The Best of the Best"



1: 1.45 K/D ratio or above (Apply to TDM and DM)

2: 62.5% win ratio or above (Apply to Rescue, Capture, and Team Sneaking)

3: Bases Conquered divided by total Base games played must be higher than 1.1





"A Top-Class Soldier"



1: 1.4 K/D ratio or above (Apply to TDM and DM)

2: 60% win ratio or above (Apply to Rescue, Capture, and Team Sneaking)

3: Bases Conquered divided by total Base games played must be higher than 1.0





"A Superior Soldier"



1: 1.3 K/D ratio or above (Apply to TDM and DM)

2: 55% win ratio or above (Apply to Rescue, Capture, and Team Sneaking)

3: Bases Conquered divided by total Base games played must be higher than .9





"Headshot Master"




1: 1.3 K+s/D+s ratio (Apply to Overall)

2: (Headshot kills + Stun Headshots) divided by (All Kills + All Stuns)

Must be higher than .3





"Player with the Highest Kill and Stun Count"



1: 1.5 K+s/D+s or above (Apply to overall)


Notes: Croc is overridden by Eagle, even though it takes a higher ratio.

To get croc, you must have LESS than a 30% headshot ratio, or you will go

up to Eagle.





"Knife Master"



1: 1.25 K+s/D+s ratio (Apply to overall)

2: Total knife kills divided by total kills must be higher than .075




Flying Squirrel

"High number of rolls"



1: Total rolls divided by total rounds played must be 15 or higher.





"Prefers Team Sneaking rules"



1: Total time playing Team Sneaking divided by total play time must be

higher than .75





"Prefers Rescue rules"



1: Total time playing Rescue divided by total play time must be higher than .75




Fighting Fish

"Prefers Deathmatch rules"



1:Total time playing Deathmatch divided by total play time must be higher than .75




Arctic Skua:

"Prefers SoloCapture Rules"



1:Total time playing SCAP divided by total play time must be higher than .75




"Prefers Capture rules"



1: Total time playing Capture divided by total play time must be higher

than .75





"Prefers Sneaking Rules"



1: Total time playing Sneaking divided by total play time must be higher

than .75





"Highly susceptible to Headshots"



1: .85 K+s/D+s ratio or lower (Apply to overall)

2: Total headshot deaths divided by total deaths must be .60 or higher




Night Owl

"Often wears ENVG"



1: Time using ENVG divided by Total play time must be higher than .05




The following ranks have either not been fully tested yet, or I have just not

found where they fall in the "override list." These are all specialty ranks,

if you feel you meet the requirements for one, but have something else, you can

assume that the rank you have is overriding it.





"Bare hand/CQC Master"



1: Average 10 Melee hits per round

2: Average 10 CQC attacks given per round


Notes: A "Melee hit" is anything you do while standing, tapping R1.

A "CQC attack" is Choke hold, slam, rifle nudge, ect. Anything that involves

holding R1.





"Scanning Master"



1: A certain average of "Scans Performed" per round I guess. I have heard

that this rank is easy to get, and HARD to lose. I assume you don't need

many scans to get it.





"Rarely Participates in Battle"



1: Chicken is obtained by not involving yourself in battle in any way.

I don't have an accurate number, but you have to average something like

less than 1 Kill, Death, Stun, and stun received each round.

Basically, you want to go 0-0 as much as possible.





"Prefers non lethal attacks"



Again, no detailed number for this, but it involves preferring stuns over

kills in Deathmatch and Team Sneaking.





"Often falls in traps"



Rat should be a lower rank, and easily overridden. It's simply an average

of "Times Fallen For Traps" per rounds you've played. Traps involve

Playboys, types of mines, C4, ect.





"Often uses the Cardboard Box"



1: Total Cardboard Box uses divided by total rounds played must be higher

than 15.


Notes: Just spam the box, you should get it quickly. I've also heard you

need a minimum amount of "Time in Cardboard Box", but I have no basis

for that as of now.




Water Bear

"High Survival Rate"



1: Total deaths divided by Total rounds played must be lower than .5

(Apply in Rescue and Team Sneaking)


Notes: In other words, don't die in half the rounds you play in Res and TSNE.

This requirement is courtesy of bigbossSNK, I have not tested it myself.

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? Wtf wieso nicht?! Da steht jeder Rand einzeln aufgelistet...

sry .. aber diese Liste Bringt dir in der Jetzigen Zeit garnix .. weiL keiner weiss wie man FH bekommt .. nicht einmaL deiine Antwort gerade eben ^^..



weiL die Titel schwerer den Je zu Kriegen sind .. für mich ist sogar Dobermann schwer geworden .. und sich noch vorstellen das Jemand Big Boss hatte .. das Lässt mich nachdenken .. aber um Big Boss zu kriegen musste er der beste der WELT sein .. weiL den Titel verdient nicht jeder so wie FH .. naja .. eigentlich haben die meisten Pro's jz Hound - Fox .. der einzige der FH hat is der der den Titel Big Boss verloren hat .

aber er hat den Titel nur wegen seinem BoosT Erfolg bekommen .. sonst ist Raging_Snake91 nicht so BegabT!!^^

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