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hab mal das spiel aus dem simpsons club kopiert in futurama form umgewandelt :D


Jeder Spieler kann einem Charakter einen Punkt wegnehmen und einem anderen Charakter den Punkt geben ! Wenn ein Charakter 0 Punkte hat scheidet er aus ! Welcher Charakter am Ende übrig ist ist der beste!


Liste einfach kopieren:


Philip J. Fry ~~~~ 5

Turanga Leela ~~~~ 5

Bender ~~~~ 5

Professor Farnsworth ~~~~ 5

Dr. John Zoidberg ~~~~ 5

Hermes Conrad ~~~~ 5

Amy Wong ~~~~ 5

Zapp Brannigan ~~~~ 5

Kif Kroker ~~~~ 5

Nibbler ~~~~ 5

Mom ~~~~ 5

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Ich erlaube mir mal die Liste zu erweitern damit das Spiel länger dauert!


# Philip J Fry ~~~~ 5

# Turanga Leela ~~~~ 5

# Bender Bending Rodriquez ~~~~ 6 +

# Hubert J Farnsworth ~~~~ 5

# John Zoidberg ~~~~ 5

# Amy Wong ~~~~ 5

# Hermes Conrad ~~~~ 5

# Lord Nibbler ~~~~ 5

# Cubert J Farnsworth ~~~~ 5

# Scruffy - The Company Janitor ~~~~ 5

# Zapp Brannigan ~~~~ 5

# Kif Kroker ~~~~ 5

# Morbo - The Newsreader ~~~~ 5

# Linda - The Newsreader ~~~~ 5

# Mom ~~~~ 4 -

# Walt, Larry, Ignar - Mom's Sons ~~~~ 5

# Elzar - The TV Chef ~~~~ 5

# Calculon ~~~~ 5

# Lrrr - The Planet Leader ~~~~ 5

# Seymore Poopenmeyer - The Mayor ~~~~ 5

# Labarbara Conrad ~~~~ 5

# Flexo ~~~~ 5

# Donbot ~~~~ 5

# Joey Mousepad ~~~~ 5

# Clamps ~~~~ 5

# Url - The Police Officer ~~~~ 5

# Smitty - The Police Officer ~~~~ 5

# Leo & Inez Wong ~~~~ 5

# Dwight Conrad ~~~~ 5


Ich trau mich fast wetten das Bender gewinnt :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

# Philip J Fry ~~~~ 5

# Turanga Leela ~~~~ 5

# Bender Bending Rodriquez ~~~~ 6

# Hubert J Farnsworth ~~~~ 5

# John Zoidberg ~~~~ 6 +

# Amy Wong ~~~~ 5

# Hermes Conrad ~~~~ 5

# Lord Nibbler ~~~~ 5

# Cubert J Farnsworth ~~~~ 5

# Scruffy - The Company Janitor ~~~~ 5

# Zapp Brannigan ~~~~ 5

# Kif Kroker ~~~~ 5

# Morbo - The Newsreader ~~~~ 5

# Linda - The Newsreader ~~~~ 5

# Mom ~~~~ 4 -

# Walt, Larry, Ignar - Mom's Sons ~~~~ 5

# Elzar - The TV Chef ~~~~ 5

# Calculon ~~~~ 5

# Lrrr - The Planet Leader ~~~~ 5

# Seymore Poopenmeyer - The Mayor ~~~~ 5

# Labarbara Conrad ~~~~ 5

# Flexo ~~~~ 5

# Donbot ~~~~ 5

# Joey Mousepad ~~~~ 5

# Clamps ~~~~ 5

# Url - The Police Officer ~~~~ 5

# Smitty - The Police Officer ~~~~ 5

# Leo & Inez Wong ~~~~ 5

# Dwight Conrad ~~~~ 5

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# Philip J Fry ~~~~ 6+

# Turanga Leela ~~~~ 5

# Bender Bending Rodriquez ~~~~ 6

# Hubert J Farnsworth ~~~~ 5

# John Zoidberg ~~~~ 6

# Amy Wong ~~~~ 5

# Hermes Conrad ~~~~ 4-

# Lord Nibbler ~~~~ 5

# Cubert J Farnsworth ~~~~ 5

# Scruffy - The Company Janitor ~~~~ 5

# Zapp Brannigan ~~~~ 5

# Kif Kroker ~~~~ 5

# Morbo - The Newsreader ~~~~ 5

# Linda - The Newsreader ~~~~ 5

# Mom ~~~~ 4

# Walt, Larry, Ignar - Mom's Sons ~~~~ 5

# Elzar - The TV Chef ~~~~ 5

# Calculon ~~~~ 5

# Lrrr - The Planet Leader ~~~~ 5

# Seymore Poopenmeyer - The Mayor ~~~~ 5

# Labarbara Conrad ~~~~ 5

# Flexo ~~~~ 5

# Donbot ~~~~ 5

# Joey Mousepad ~~~~ 5

# Clamps ~~~~ 5

# Url - The Police Officer ~~~~ 5

# Smitty - The Police Officer ~~~~ 5

# Leo & Inez Wong ~~~~ 5

# Dwight Conrad ~~~~ 5

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# Philip J Fry ~~~~ 6

# Turanga Leela ~~~~ 5

# Bender Bending Rodriquez ~~~~ 7 +

# Hubert J Farnsworth ~~~~ 5

# John Zoidberg ~~~~ 6

# Amy Wong ~~~~ 5

# Hermes Conrad ~~~~ 4

# Lord Nibbler ~~~~ 5

# Cubert J Farnsworth ~~~~ 5

# Scruffy - The Company Janitor ~~~~ 5

# Zapp Brannigan ~~~~ 5

# Kif Kroker ~~~~ 5

# Morbo - The Newsreader ~~~~ 5

# Linda - The Newsreader ~~~~ 5

# Mom ~~~~ 3 -

# Walt, Larry, Ignar - Mom's Sons ~~~~ 5

# Elzar - The TV Chef ~~~~ 5

# Calculon ~~~~ 5

# Lrrr - The Planet Leader ~~~~ 5

# Seymore Poopenmeyer - The Mayor ~~~~ 5

# Labarbara Conrad ~~~~ 5

# Flexo ~~~~ 5

# Donbot ~~~~ 5

# Joey Mousepad ~~~~ 5

# Clamps ~~~~ 5

# Url - The Police Officer ~~~~ 5

# Smitty - The Police Officer ~~~~ 5

# Leo & Inez Wong ~~~~ 5

# Dwight Conrad ~~~~ 5

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# Philip J Fry ~~~~ 6

# Turanga Leela ~~~~ 5

# Bender Bending Rodriquez ~~~~ 7

# Hubert J Farnsworth ~~~~ 5

# John Zoidberg ~~~~ 6

# Amy Wong ~~~~ 5

# Hermes Conrad ~~~~ 4

# Lord Nibbler ~~~~ 5

# Cubert J Farnsworth ~~~~ 5

# Scruffy - The Company Janitor ~~~~ 5

# Zapp Brannigan ~~~~ 5

# Kif Kroker ~~~~ 5

# Morbo - The Newsreader ~~~~ 6+

# Linda - The Newsreader ~~~~ 5

# Mom ~~~~ 2-

# Walt, Larry, Ignar - Mom's Sons ~~~~ 5

# Elzar - The TV Chef ~~~~ 5

# Calculon ~~~~ 5

# Lrrr - The Planet Leader ~~~~ 5

# Seymore Poopenmeyer - The Mayor ~~~~ 5

# Labarbara Conrad ~~~~ 5

# Flexo ~~~~ 5

# Donbot ~~~~ 5

# Joey Mousepad ~~~~ 5

# Clamps ~~~~ 5

# Url - The Police Officer ~~~~ 5

# Smitty - The Police Officer ~~~~ 5

# Leo & Inez Wong ~~~~ 5

# Dwight Conrad ~~~~ 5

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# Philip J Fry ~~~~ 6

# Turanga Leela ~~~~ 5

# Bender Bending Rodriquez ~~~~ 8 +

# Hubert J Farnsworth ~~~~ 5

# John Zoidberg ~~~~ 6

# Amy Wong ~~~~ 5

# Hermes Conrad ~~~~ 4

# Lord Nibbler ~~~~ 5

# Cubert J Farnsworth ~~~~ 5

# Scruffy - The Company Janitor ~~~~ 5

# Zapp Brannigan ~~~~ 5

# Kif Kroker ~~~~ 5

# Morbo - The Newsreader ~~~~ 6

# Linda - The Newsreader ~~~~ 5

# Mom ~~~~ 1 -

# Walt, Larry, Ignar - Mom's Sons ~~~~ 5

# Elzar - The TV Chef ~~~~ 5

# Calculon ~~~~ 5

# Lrrr - The Planet Leader ~~~~ 5

# Seymore Poopenmeyer - The Mayor ~~~~ 5

# Labarbara Conrad ~~~~ 5

# Flexo ~~~~ 5

# Donbot ~~~~ 5

# Joey Mousepad ~~~~ 5

# Clamps ~~~~ 5

# Url - The Police Officer ~~~~ 5

# Smitty - The Police Officer ~~~~ 5

# Leo & Inez Wong ~~~~ 5

# Dwight Conrad ~~~~ 5

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# Philip J Fry ~~~~ 6

# Turanga Leela ~~~~ 5

# Bender Bending Rodriquez ~~~~ 9 +

# Hubert J Farnsworth ~~~~ 5

# John Zoidberg ~~~~ 6

# Amy Wong ~~~~ 5

# Hermes Conrad ~~~~ 4

# Lord Nibbler ~~~~ 5

# Cubert J Farnsworth ~~~~ 5

# Scruffy - The Company Janitor ~~~~ 5

# Zapp Brannigan ~~~~ 5

# Kif Kroker ~~~~ 5

# Morbo - The Newsreader ~~~~ 6

# Linda - The Newsreader ~~~~ 5

# Walt, Larry, Ignar - Mom's Sons ~~~~ 5

# Elzar - The TV Chef ~~~~ 5

# Calculon ~~~~ 5

# Lrrr - The Planet Leader ~~~~ 5

# Seymore Poopenmeyer - The Mayor ~~~~ 5

# Labarbara Conrad ~~~~ 5

# Flexo ~~~~ 5

# Donbot ~~~~ 5

# Joey Mousepad ~~~~ 5

# Clamps ~~~~ 5

# Url - The Police Officer ~~~~ 5

# Smitty - The Police Officer ~~~~ 5

# Leo & Inez Wong ~~~~ 5

# Dwight Conrad ~~~~ 5


MOM ist raus...............

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# Philip J Fry ~~~~ 7+

# Turanga Leela ~~~~ 5

# Bender Bending Rodriquez ~~~~ 9

# Hubert J Farnsworth ~~~~ 5

# John Zoidberg ~~~~ 6

# Amy Wong ~~~~ 5

# Hermes Conrad ~~~~ 4

# Lord Nibbler ~~~~ 5

# Cubert J Farnsworth ~~~~ 5

# Scruffy - The Company Janitor ~~~~ 5

# Zapp Brannigan ~~~~ 5

# Kif Kroker ~~~~ 5

# Morbo - The Newsreader ~~~~ 6

# Linda - The Newsreader ~~~~ 5

# Walt, Larry, Ignar - Mom's Sons ~~~~ 5

# Elzar - The TV Chef ~~~~ 5

# Calculon ~~~~ 5

# Lrrr - The Planet Leader ~~~~ 5

# Seymore Poopenmeyer - The Mayor ~~~~ 4-

# Labarbara Conrad ~~~~ 5

# Flexo ~~~~ 5

# Donbot ~~~~ 5

# Joey Mousepad ~~~~ 5

# Clamps ~~~~ 5

# Url - The Police Officer ~~~~ 5

# Smitty - The Police Officer ~~~~ 5

# Leo & Inez Wong ~~~~ 5

# Dwight Conrad ~~~~ 5

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# Philip J Fry ~~~~ 7

# Turanga Leela ~~~~ 6 +

# Bender Bending Rodriquez ~~~~ 9

# Hubert J Farnsworth ~~~~ 5

# John Zoidberg ~~~~ 5 -

# Amy Wong ~~~~ 5

# Hermes Conrad ~~~~ 4

# Lord Nibbler ~~~~ 5

# Cubert J Farnsworth ~~~~ 5

# Scruffy - The Company Janitor ~~~~ 5

# Zapp Brannigan ~~~~ 5

# Kif Kroker ~~~~ 5

# Morbo - The Newsreader ~~~~ 6

# Linda - The Newsreader ~~~~ 5

# Walt, Larry, Ignar - Mom's Sons ~~~~ 5

# Elzar - The TV Chef ~~~~ 5

# Calculon ~~~~ 5

# Lrrr - The Planet Leader ~~~~ 5

# Seymore Poopenmeyer - The Mayor ~~~~ 4

# Labarbara Conrad ~~~~ 5

# Flexo ~~~~ 5

# Donbot ~~~~ 5

# Joey Mousepad ~~~~ 5

# Clamps ~~~~ 5

# Url - The Police Officer ~~~~ 5

# Smitty - The Police Officer ~~~~ 5

# Leo & Inez Wong ~~~~ 5

# Dwight Conrad ~~~~ 5

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