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ich brauche Hilfe in der Deutsch-Hausaufgabe,wir sollen eine Fabel schreiben zu der Lehre:Verspreche nie,was du nicht halten kannst.

Weiß jemand von euch zufällig eine kurze und gute Fabel darüber???

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hallo hab ein kleines problem falls man es so nennen darf . wir schreiben morgen eine englisch klassenarbeit . unser thema ist summary/ book review.

geschrieben wird zu dem buch " The australian connection " . das hauptthema zur summary ist die vater sohn beziehung . wir werden das review in 3 schritten machen 1 ) summary 2) what do you think about ...? do you like it'(.....) ? ... open up a new world....? can you identify with the charakter? do the charakter develop? und schrit 3) can you recommend the book?


ich schreibe mal jetzt das review und ihr bewertet es ok? odr sagt mir bitte was ich besser machen sollte .


Book review

the novel , " the australian connection" by paul stewart , deals with an boy who is going to visit his father in australia after his parents were divorced 16 years ago.

Alex , an 18 years old boy from britain is going to visit his father in australia who he has not seen for 16 years because his parents were divorced when alex was just three .alex wants to find out what kind of person his real father really is. in australia , however , he finds out that establishing a relationship with his father is more difficult than he had thoudh. alex travels around a lot and he falls in love with dani an australian girl.

in the end this novel shows the feelings of a child which had grown up without his real father and still being exactly like the fathers mixed ones.


i like this book because its easy to read but also easy to understand . it shows how mixed the feelings of a child can be . it sure was hard for alex to grow up without his real father but he still had peter who couldnt be a better step f ather for alex . i can hardly identify myself with alex , alex wanted to meet his father like i want to meet my brother to know why he left us so i know how alex felt .


i can recommend the book for children ,which parents were also divorced , to know how to deal with this kind of burden. children of divorced parent could easily identify themself with alex , maybe the parents too with tom or alison. i recommend the book also for school lessons ( man bei diesem satz hab ich aber probleme ^^ auf jeden fall das man mit diesem buch gut arbeiten kann weil es leicht zu lesen ist und es einfach gutes arbeits material ist . )




was haltet ihr davon ? ich weiss schrecklich aber was soll ich besser machen? sagt nicht alles ^^ wenn schon dann selber diesen ausschnitt schreiben wenn es euch nix aussmacht . danke . brauche nur eine gute note .

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Book review

the novel , " the australian connection" [evtl. Erscheinungsjahr etc. immer so viel Infos wies geht] by paul stewart , deals with an boy who is going to visit his father in australia after his parents were divorced 16 years ago. [whos parents have been divorced. After 16 years he is going to australia to visit his father]

Alex , an 18 years old boy from britain is going [flys] to visit his father in australia who he has not seen for 16 years because his parents were divorced when alex was just three . [he has not seen his father since his parents divorced 16 years go, when he was just 2.] alex [He] wants to find out what kind of person his real father really is. in australia , however ,[after he arrives in australia and spends some time with his father] he finds out that establishing a relationship with his father is more difficult than he had thoudh. alex travels around a lot and he falls in love with dani an australian girl. [warum travelt der denn ? Kein Zusammenhang, Luecke im Text, versuch alle Handlungen zu verbinden, da sonst jemand der das Buch nicht kennt nicht wissen kann wohin und warum er herumreist!]

in the end [wird das nur am ende gezeigt oder willst du damit sagen, das das Buch die Gefuehle eines solchen Junge zeigt?] this novel shows the feelings of a child which [personen mit who] had grown up without his real father and still being exactly like the fathers mixed ones. [Mach die Saetze leichter, und schlag ein paar verbidungswoerter nach, warum kompliziert wenns auch leicht geht?]

i like this book because its easy to read but also easy to understand [ich mag das buch weil es leicht zu lesen aber auch leicht zu verstehen ist? mach die Saetze kuerzer, kommt im Englischen immer gut! ->verbindungen schaffen!] [i like the book because its easy to read which makes it easy to udnerstand the main actions]. it shows how mixed [up] the feelings of a child can be . it sure was hard for alex to grow up without his real father but he still had peter [solltest du vorher schonmal erwaehnen, am besten in der Zusammenfassung vorher] who couldnt be a better step father for alex . i can hardly [easily] identify myself with alex , alex [he] wanted to meet his father like i want to meet my brother to know why he left us so i know how alex felt .


i can recommend the book for children ,which parents were also divorced , to know how to deal with this kind of burden. [ich denke das die das auc so herausfinden, ich wuerde den Aspekt nicht reinbringen, deine entscheidung...] children of [who had to grow up with] divorced parents could easily identify themself with alex , maybe the parents too with tom or alison.[ich kenne das buch nicht, sowas sollte aber vorher unbedingt erwaehnt werden!] i recommend the book also for school leassons ( man bei diesem satz hab ich aber probleme ^^ auf jeden fall das man mit diesem buch gut arbeiten kann weil es leicht zu lesen ist und es einfach gutes arbeits material ist . )




was haltet ihr davon ? ich weiss schrecklich aber was soll ich besser machen? sagt nicht alles ^^ wenn schon dann selber diesen ausschnitt schreiben wenn es euch nix aussmacht . danke . brauche nur eine gute note .


Hatte leider keine Lust das alles selber zu schreiben, hoffe aber ich konnte einigermassen helfen. :D Versuch die Saetze in die Laenge zu ziehen und einfache connectives zu benutzen und mehr Satzgefuege einzubinden! Bei ersterem machst du durch einfachere Gebilde 1. weniger Fehler und 2. drueckt es deinen wordcount in die Hoehe, was wiederrum den Fehlerquotient senkt!

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ai wenn ich nur wüsste was ein satzgefüge ist ahahah . ok ich mach nur mal die sätze überarbeiten und schreib die mal hier rein und so k?


Satzgefuege = Hauptsatz, Nebensatz etc. das meine ich zumindest damit...wenns z.b. Nebensatz, Hauptsatz, Nebensatz ist heissts das schon wieder ganz anders xD

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sorry für doppelpost aber hier

Book review


the novel § the australian connection" by paul stewart , deaqls with an boy whos parents have been divorced when he was just 3. after 16 years he is going to australia to visit his father.

alex an 18 years old boy from britain is going to visit his father in australia who he hasnt seen since his parents divorced 16 years ago, when alex was just 3. he wants to find out what kind of person his real father really is. in australia, however, he finds out that his father tom is not in australia. alex uses the time to travel around australia with the band " the beat crew" where he falls in love with dani , an australian girl. when tom arrives back alex finds out that establishing a relationship with his father is more complicated then he had thoudht.

in the end this novel shows the feelings of a shild who had grown up up without his real father and still being exactly like the fathers mixed ones.

i like the book because its easy to read which makes it easy to understand. it shows how mixed up the feelings of a child can be. it sure was hard for alex to grow up without his real father, but he still had peter who youldnt be a better stepfather for alex. i can easily identify myself with alex. he wanted to meet his father like i want to meet my brother to know why he left us, so i know how alex felt .

i can recommend the book for children, which paarents were also divorced. children who had to grow up with divorced parents could easily identify themself with alex, mybe the parents too with tom or alison. i recommend the book also for school leassons , its easy to work with .




weiss echt nicht wie ich peter und so einbringen soll in der summary aber ist es so besser? ..... hab zwar keine satzgefüge gemacht undso aber so ist es doch ttrotzdem in ordnung oder?

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sorry für doppelpost aber hier

Book review


the novel § the australian connection" by paul stewart , deaqls with an boy whos parents have been divorced when he was just 3. after 16 years he is going to australia to visit his father. [Hier hast du keinen von meinen Vrebesserungsvorsclägen beachtet]

alex is an 18 years old boy from britain who is going to visit his father in australia [because] he hasnt seen him since his parents divorced 16 years ago, when alex was just 3. he wants to find out what kind of person his real father really is. in australia, however, he finds out that his father tom is not in australia. alex uses the time to travel around australia with the band " the beat crew" where he falls in love with dani , an australian girl. when tom arrives back alex finds out that establishing a relationship with his father is more complicated then he had thoudht at the beginning of his adventure to australia [postcount hochziehen].

[und ab hier wirds mir zu doof weiterzulesen weil du wirklich so gut wie nix was ich geschrieben hab beachtet hast, das ist nicht sinn der sache!] in the end this novel shows the feelings of a shild who had grown up up without his real father and still being exactly like the fathers mixed ones.

i like the book because its easy to read which makes it easy to understand. it shows how mixed up the feelings of a child can be. it sure was hard for alex to grow up without his real father, but he still had peter who youldnt be a better stepfather for alex. i can easily identify myself with alex. he wanted to meet his father like i want to meet my brother to know why he left us, so i know how alex felt .

i can recommend the book for children, which paarents were also divorced. children who had to grow up with divorced parents could easily identify themself with alex, mybe the parents too with tom or alison. i recommend the book also for school leassons , its easy to work with .




weiss echt nicht wie ich peter und so einbringen soll in der summary aber ist es so besser? ..... hab zwar keine satzgefüge gemacht undso aber so ist es doch ttrotzdem in ordnung oder?



Sorry, aber das ist es wirklich nciht...

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