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Twisted Metal


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Ich kann noch nicht bestellen :(


Ich hatte mich schon darauf gefreut, dich mit dem Junkyard "abzuschleppen :keks2:.


Scheint nich zu variieren denn er bleibt steiff.


Wenn die Schwellung nach 9 Stunden nicht von selbst weggeht, solltest du einen Arzt konsultieren :haha:.

Wenn nächste Woche das fertige Spiel da ist, wird verglichen. Vielleicht taucht auch noch ein ausführlicher Schnittbericht mit Bildern auf.

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Wenn die Schwellung nach 9 Stunden nicht von selbst weggeht, solltest du einen Arzt konsultieren :haha:.

Wenn nächste Woche das fertige Spiel da ist, wird verglichen. Vielleicht taucht auch noch ein ausführlicher Schnittbericht mit Bildern auf.


zum ersten Teil: :facepalm: zum zweiten Teil den SB gibts wahrscheilich erst 1-2 Wochen nach release im März

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War nicht von anfang an klar, dass die Demo/Beta am 08.02. abläuft?


Jaffe sagte gestern, dass die Demo bis zum 13. verlängert werden sollte.


Jetzt ist es offiziell. TM hat die mMn schwerste Platin überhaupt. ^^


TMA - Complete story mode without dying or switching cars in the garage.


Point, Shoot, Kill - Kill 100 enemies with every missle.


Any Car Will Do - 50 kills with every car in online ranked games.


Tantric Twised - 50 cars killed by yourself in endurance mode.


Twisted Gold - Earn gold medal in every campaign event and boss fight on twisted difficulty.


Racing? In a Twisted Metal game? - Don't miss any gates and wind the battle in Race #2, one player only


Truly Twisted - Complete story mode on twisted difficultly.


Remote Nuke - Kill 3 players with a single remote bomb.


Another Level - Win 10 ranked games in each map. Map size does not matter.


A la Mode - Win 10 ranked games in each game type.


We buy gold! - Earn a gold medal on every campaign event in any difficulty mode including co op.


...and I thank you for playing Twisted Metal. - Complete story mode on any difficulty.


Make up you mind. - Use the garage 25 times.


The One That Got Away - Complete the Sweet Tooth story on any difficulty.


Watch me Shine! - Complete the Doll Face Story on any difficulty.


Grimm's Dark Trip Back. - Complete Grimm story on any difficulty.


The most dangerous game. - Be the hunted/stay the hunted in ranked, unranked, or split screen local HUNTED GAME MODE for at least 4 minutes.


Cookie Party - Kill 3 enemies in a single game using drop mines.


Old School - Play a 2,3,4 player split screen game.


Blah, Blah, Blah, Gimme the Trophy - Play and finish the "Live Training" tutorial mode.


Twofer - Kill two enemies with a single rat rocket.


60 to 0 - Kill a player with full heath in one shot.


He's not heavy - As Talon, pick up a teammate (Ranked, unranked, split screen, campaign co-op)


Hidden Trophy


Because I care - Complete a campaign without hitting a single pedestrian.


Birth Control - Defeat the semi before a single enemy is spawned in Juggernaut DM - Watkyn's Harbor.


Tradin' Paint - Ram 5 players to death in a single online game.


Am I not merciful? - Kill 100 flaming gunners and/or drivers in campaign mode.


Fire in the sky - Shoot down an enemy missile 1 time in a tanked game of NUKE.


That. Just. Happened. - Kill yourself with a freeze cheat shot in ranked SM or LMS, or in any unranked or offline play.


Calypso - Achieve the highest online rank.


You think this game made itself? Watch the credits, start to finish.


I h8 poachers. - Finish a ranked game the the most damage done a fewest kills overall.


Medic! - Heal a teammate.


Grace under fire - Beat Metro Square Electric Cage on HARD MODE with 5 SECONDS LEFT in your GRACE PERIOD meter, Cooperative Story is allowed.


All Sales are final - Win at least 1 ranked online game per day for 30 days straight.


Right place, right time - Kill a player less than 5 seconds after you respawn, in an online game.


Up, up and away - Launch a nuke.


In your face - Hit statue with a nuke.


Bearbeitet von basslerNNP
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Jetzt ist es offiziell. TM hat die mMn schwerste Platin überhaupt. ^^


TMA - Complete story mode without dying or switching cars in the garage.


Point, Shoot, Kill - Kill 100 enemies with every missle.


Any Car Will Do - 50 kills with every car in online ranked games.


Tantric Twised - 50 cars killed by yourself in endurance mode.


Twisted Gold - Earn gold medal in every campaign event and boss fight on twisted difficulty.


Racing? In a Twisted Metal game? - Don't miss any gates and wind the battle in Race #2, one player only


Truly Twisted - Complete story mode on twisted difficultly.


Remote Nuke - Kill 3 players with a single remote bomb.


Another Level - Win 10 ranked games in each map. Map size does not matter.


A la Mode - Win 10 ranked games in each game type.


We buy gold! - Earn a gold medal on every campaign event in any difficulty mode including co op.


...and I thank you for playing Twisted Metal. - Complete story mode on any difficulty.


Make up you mind. - Use the garage 25 times.


The One That Got Away - Complete the Sweet Tooth story on any difficulty.


Watch me Shine! - Complete the Doll Face Story on any difficulty.


Grimm's Dark Trip Back. - Complete Grimm story on any difficulty.


The most dangerous game. - Be the hunted/stay the hunted in ranked, unranked, or split screen local HUNTED GAME MODE for at least 4 minutes.


Cookie Party - Kill 3 enemies in a single game using drop mines.


Old School - Play a 2,3,4 player split screen game.


Blah, Blah, Blah, Gimme the Trophy - Play and finish the "Live Training" tutorial mode.


Twofer - Kill two enemies with a single rat rocket.


60 to 0 - Kill a player with full heath in one shot.


He's not heavy - As Talon, pick up a teammate (Ranked, unranked, split screen, campaign co-op)


Hidden Trophy


Because I care - Complete a campaign without hitting a single pedestrian.


Birth Control - Defeat the semi before a single enemy is spawned in Juggernaut DM - Watkyn's Harbor.


Tradin' Paint - Ram 5 players to death in a single online game.


Am I not merciful? - Kill 100 flaming gunners and/or drivers in campaign mode.


Fire in the sky - Shoot down an enemy missile 1 time in a tanked game of NUKE.


That. Just. Happened. - Kill yourself with a freeze cheat shot in ranked SM or LMS, or in any unranked or offline play.


Calypso - Achieve the highest online rank.


You think this game made itself? Watch the credits, start to finish.


I h8 poachers. - Finish a ranked game the the most damage done a fewest kills overall.


Medic! - Heal a teammate.


Grace under fire - Beat Metro Square Electric Cage on HARD MODE with 5 SECONDS LEFT in your GRACE PERIOD meter, Cooperative Story is allowed.


All Sales are final - Win at least 1 ranked online game per day for 30 days straight.


Right place, right time - Kill a player less than 5 seconds after you respawn, in an online game.


Up, up and away - Launch a nuke.


In your face - Hit statue with a nuke.


ich find es echt geil das TMA ne eigene Trophy bekommen hat Eat sleep play steht seiner Fanbase:ok:. Gut das ich nicht viel Wert auf Trophies lege^^

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Weiß jemand wie diese Maps heißen?:


Ab 3 Minuten 50 Sec.




Ab 20 Sec.


Sind die einizgen Maps von denen noch nicht viel gezeigt wurde weder der Name noch ein richtiges gameplay...


Hab eben herausgefunden dass die Map im 2. Link Slaughterdale heißt. Nur gibts noch leider keine Gameplays

Bearbeitet von Apple-Fan
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