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Test Drive Unlimited 2


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So, um das Misstrauen hier mal zu beenden :zwinker:


Exploration Pack erscheint am 16. August für die Xbox 360!

Good news everyone! We just got word from Microsoft, and the FREE DLC Exploration Pack for Xbox360 is scheduled to deploy on August 16th @ 0900 GMT. In the meantime, we will continue to do some internal testing and assuming no unforeseen issues then it will go live on Aug 16 . We don't have a date for PS3 just yet but we will let you know as soon as we have it confirmed!


Here is a list of the content included in Xbox360 Exploration Pack:




FREE DLC: Exploration Pack

  • 20 new missions including 2 all-new mission types: Extreme Convoy and Timed Convoy.
  • 20 new wrecks to find which give you access to 2 new exclusive cars:
  • Lancia Stratos version Rallye
  • Dodge Charger 1969
  • 3 additional Discovery levels.
  • 2 new Multiplayer Races for the Stratos

DLC: Help channel added to TDU media.

Motorcycle dealer, Auction hall, and new clothing shops are “under construction” – users can visit location, but they are not yet open for business.



  • Players are now able to sell reward cars they have earned in dealerships.
  • Roads are now marked as “explored” for areas visited when riding as a passenger
  • Rewards increased for multiplayer challenges.
  • Car class restriction added to multiplayer ranked challenges.
  • Player name display updated in free ride for improved clarity.


  • Instant challenge routes will adjust based on players vehicle types (i.e. dirt roads vs asphalt)
  • Adjusted impact sound after certain jumps
  • Casino roulette exploits removed
  • Casino Level 10 cut scene updated
  • Club Challenges updated to allow players to race with the club cars.
  • Fixed a map bug that would display online players swimming far into the Mediterranean.



Ich denke das ganze wird kurze Zeit später auch für die PS3 erscheinen

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na super, wollte gestern TDU2 Starten, aber weit kam ich nicht. Beim Starten der Disk ist es in eine Endlosschleife gefallen. konnte nix mehr machen, nur noch das Spiel ausmachen, selbst das hat net funktioniert. ps3----> piep piep, piep

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na super, wollte gestern TDU2 Starten, aber weit kam ich nicht. Beim Starten der Disk ist es in eine Endlosschleife gefallen. konnte nix mehr machen, nur noch das Spiel ausmachen, selbst das hat net funktioniert. ps3----> piep piep, piep



Mein Beileid :mad:

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