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The EU servers will be locked at 00:30 CET and brought offline at 01:00 CET for server maintenance. Downtime is anticipated to be one hour and the servers should be available at 02:00 CET.


General: Addressed an issue that caused some PS3 players to hang or disconnect in the tutorial.

General: Improved Client performance and stability.

General: Addressed an issue when using software overclocking where other characters would appear to warp onscreen.

General: The time it takes to get to character selection on launch has been reduced.

Audio: Audio should no longer drop after cutscenes if you have your Music volume set to 0.

Chat: The player’s voice chat channel should now be selected according to the following priority, from highest to lowest: Alert->Group->Custom->League.

Player Appearance: Equipping a new weapon should no longer cause your weapon appearance to disappear.

Player Appearance: Swapping weapons with your weapon style locked should no longer cause the weapon appearance to change.

Movement: Player character animations should no longer have the chance of getting stuck when weaponizing objects.

Quests: Adjusted difficulty of content in the Venom Lab to level 7 to better match the surrounding content.

Quests: No Joke quest is now available at level 18 instead of 19.

Quests: A Crook’s Best Friend quest is now available at level 18 instead of 19.

Quests: Something’s Fishy… quest is now available at level 22 instead of 23.

Quests: Road to Hell quest is now available at level 22 instead of 23.

Quests: Fateful Omen quest is now available at level 26 instead of 27.

Quests: Hardcorps quest is now available at level 26 instead of 27.

UI: Pressing the "Accept" button on the Server Selection screen multiple times should no longer result in odd issues with Character Creation movies and UI

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The EU servers will be locked at 00:30 CET and brought offline at 01:00 CET for server maintenance. Downtime is anticipated to be one hour and the servers should be available at 02:00 CET.


General: Addressed an issue that caused some PS3 players to hang or disconnect in the tutorial.

General: Improved Client performance and stability.

General: Addressed an issue when using software overclocking where other characters would appear to warp onscreen.

General: The time it takes to get to character selection on launch has been reduced.

Audio: Audio should no longer drop after cutscenes if you have your Music volume set to 0.

Chat: The player’s voice chat channel should now be selected according to the following priority, from highest to lowest: Alert->Group->Custom->League.

Player Appearance: Equipping a new weapon should no longer cause your weapon appearance to disappear.

Player Appearance: Swapping weapons with your weapon style locked should no longer cause the weapon appearance to change.

Movement: Player character animations should no longer have the chance of getting stuck when weaponizing objects.

Quests: Adjusted difficulty of content in the Venom Lab to level 7 to better match the surrounding content.

Quests: No Joke quest is now available at level 18 instead of 19.

Quests: A Crook’s Best Friend quest is now available at level 18 instead of 19.

Quests: Something’s Fishy… quest is now available at level 22 instead of 23.

Quests: Road to Hell quest is now available at level 22 instead of 23.

Quests: Fateful Omen quest is now available at level 26 instead of 27.

Quests: Hardcorps quest is now available at level 26 instead of 27.

UI: Pressing the "Accept" button on the Server Selection screen multiple times should no longer result in odd issues with Character Creation movies and UI


hehe wollts auch grad posten..... wuuuuuuuh voice chat babyyyyy

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@ Machete


ich hoffe nicht... dess wär hart... ICH WILL SUCHTEN!! MIT HS!!!!


bitte lieber gott lass es wenigstens wegen hs sein


@ -Light-


ja man verdammt... hab überlegt bissle BFBC 2 aber neeee... dess hat mich gestern wieder zu arg angekotzt


Macht schon Bock aber die sollen die Statistiken endlich in den Griff kriegen. Sagt bitte bescheid wenn die Server wieder bei DCU on sind.

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