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Two Worlds 2 - allgemeiner Diskussionsthread

Gast Forrest

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Neuigkeiten: Äußerung von Topware CEO:




Die PS3 Version ist uns nicht pünktlich zum Release geliefert worden. Bei PC und 360 können wir uns das Presswerk aussuchen, bei PS3 leider nicht. Am liebsten würde ich hier die eMail und Telefonnummer der zuständigen Tante bei Sony veröffentlichen. Wir sind stinksauer! Und das Beste ist - wir dürfen noch nicht einmal eine Meldung dazu veröffentlichen, weil wir diese genehmigen lassen müssen.


Wann kommt die PS3 Version? - Wenn Sony geruht Bock zu haben diese an uns zu liefern + 24 Stunden. - Wir wissen es nicht.




Das ist ganz einfach. PS3 Versionen müssen bei Sony in Österreich hergestellt werden. Und die machen einfach DNV (Dienst nach Vorschrift). "Wir haben High-Season" und "it´s done when it´s done" ... und im übrigen "FYS" ... Eigentlich ist das ein Problem der Leute bei Sony. Früher hatten die mal einen der sich eingesetzt hat, aber die Kuh, die jetzt zuständig für uns ist die macht halt pünktlich Feierabend. Wenn Sony so weitermacht werden sie wohl schöne rote Zahlen schreiben. Wir denken ernsthaft darüber nach einige PS3 Entwicklungen einzustellen, wenn sich nicht schlagartig was ändert. Wir haben alles per Vorkasse bezahlt und sitzen auf dem Trockenen. Stinksauer ist gar kein Ausdruck!





-> Sony ist Schuld

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dan hole ich mir eben heute die pc version...... wobeis mit trophys sicher nochen anreitz mehr hatte


Aber vllt gibt es auf PC ein Modsupport, was wiederum die PC Version die Konsolen Version tausendmal interessanter gestaltet. Wie z.b die Pc Version von DAO. Dann konntest du darauß wenigstens ein sehr gutes Spiel basteln. Ähnlich wie bei Oblivion.

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dan hole ich mir eben heute die pc version...... wobeis mit trophys sicher nochen anreitz mehr hatte


Von den Trophies würde ichs auch nicht abhängig machen. Kann das Trophy-Gegeifere eh nicht nachvollziehen. Interessiert doch eigentlich eh keinen. Und falls doch mal einer meint "Ich bin toller als du weil ich mehr Trophies habe" hat der ernsthaft ganz andere Probleme ;)


Hätte ich nen vernünftigen PC auf dem es auch läuft würde ich mir ganz sicher auch die PC-Version holen.



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Von den Trophies würde ichs auch nicht abhängig machen. Kann das Trophy-Gegeifere eh nicht nachvollziehen. Interessiert doch eigentlich eh keinen. Und falls doch mal einer meint "Ich bin toller als du weil ich mehr Trophies habe" hat der ernsthaft ganz andere Probleme ;)


Hätte ich nen vernünftigen PC auf dem es auch läuft würde ich mir ganz sicher auch die PC-Version holen.




hab das gleiche problem, auf meinem PC wäre das spiel einfach nur mies :(

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Mini Review von Two Worlds 2:


It's bad in just about every area from what I played.


Even the title and menu screen is awful. I study game art and design. Now, I'm not a pro by any means, but the menu is awful, with its dumb gothic font and design. That's probably not enough explanation, I know, but you kind of have to see it yourself.


The graphics are nice at times. The art direction is a bit generic, but not too bad. Seems like they re-use too many assets in the environment art, especially the trees, which need more variety.


The combat is terrible. It's just like the old one, so I guess if you liked the way it was then you'll like this.


Story and writing is weak. I admit I never finished the first one, and this one starts off seemingly at the end of the first one with nothing to fill you in if you never played the first one. To me that's poor design. When there's like a 2 year window between releases you should have a filler. It just didn't feel like it stood alone for me.


Cinematics so far are awful. There's a fight scene at the start. The camera work is all over the place, like they put no thought into it at all, or simply didn't have a cinematic director on board.


Dialogue is boring. The player's voice is alright, but everything else kind of feels flat and poorly delivered. There's this one bit I just played where I had to talk to a guard at a gate. He was calling me "darlin" for some reason. The overall tone of the game is quite dark, so this bad attempt at humor kind of breaks the immersion a bit. What made it worse was he said, "f**k" a few lines later. It sounded so forced, like they thought it would be cool to drop an F-bomb.


Sword clashes and what not sound like they were recorded off a mobile phone or something. I think they re-used a lot of the sounds enemies make when getting hit. The Groms are back, and they sound like the developers themselves thought it would be funny to get behind the mic to make their sound effects.


It runs terrible. There's a lot of skipping and pauses. Sometimes when I go to sneak my player's model flys off into the distance. I don't actually move there. It snaps me back to how I was supposed to be quickly, but you can just tell something went wrong with the code work to blend animations.


All in all, I was looking forward to this. I thought they'd fixed a lot of the things I hated in the first one, but it seems they didn't. I'm surprised they even got a publisher behind this one. Still, I know some people loved the first one. It is an improvement over the first, so those fans will probably love it.



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Mini Review von Two Worlds 2:


It's bad in just about every area from what I played.


Even the title and menu screen is awful. I study game art and design. Now, I'm not a pro by any means, but the menu is awful, with its dumb gothic font and design. That's probably not enough explanation, I know, but you kind of have to see it yourself.


The graphics are nice at times. The art direction is a bit generic, but not too bad. Seems like they re-use too many assets in the environment art, especially the trees, which need more variety.


The combat is terrible. It's just like the old one, so I guess if you liked the way it was then you'll like this.


Story and writing is weak. I admit I never finished the first one, and this one starts off seemingly at the end of the first one with nothing to fill you in if you never played the first one. To me that's poor design. When there's like a 2 year window between releases you should have a filler. It just didn't feel like it stood alone for me.


Cinematics so far are awful. There's a fight scene at the start. The camera work is all over the place, like they put no thought into it at all, or simply didn't have a cinematic director on board.


Dialogue is boring. The player's voice is alright, but everything else kind of feels flat and poorly delivered. There's this one bit I just played where I had to talk to a guard at a gate. He was calling me "darlin" for some reason. The overall tone of the game is quite dark, so this bad attempt at humor kind of breaks the immersion a bit. What made it worse was he said, "f**k" a few lines later. It sounded so forced, like they thought it would be cool to drop an F-bomb.


Sword clashes and what not sound like they were recorded off a mobile phone or something. I think they re-used a lot of the sounds enemies make when getting hit. The Groms are back, and they sound like the developers themselves thought it would be funny to get behind the mic to make their sound effects.


It runs terrible. There's a lot of skipping and pauses. Sometimes when I go to sneak my player's model flys off into the distance. I don't actually move there. It snaps me back to how I was supposed to be quickly, but you can just tell something went wrong with the code work to blend animations.


All in all, I was looking forward to this. I thought they'd fixed a lot of the things I hated in the first one, but it seems they didn't. I'm surprised they even got a publisher behind this one. Still, I know some people loved the first one. It is an improvement over the first, so those fans will probably love it.




Wo hast du das denn her? ^^

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Mini Review von Two Worlds 2:


It's bad in just about every area from what I played.


Even the title and menu screen is awful. I study game art and design. Now, I'm not a pro by any means, but the menu is awful, with its dumb gothic font and design. That's probably not enough explanation, I know, but you kind of have to see it yourself.


The graphics are nice at times. The art direction is a bit generic, but not too bad. Seems like they re-use too many assets in the environment art, especially the trees, which need more variety.


The combat is terrible. It's just like the old one, so I guess if you liked the way it was then you'll like this.


Story and writing is weak. I admit I never finished the first one, and this one starts off seemingly at the end of the first one with nothing to fill you in if you never played the first one. To me that's poor design. When there's like a 2 year window between releases you should have a filler. It just didn't feel like it stood alone for me.


Cinematics so far are awful. There's a fight scene at the start. The camera work is all over the place, like they put no thought into it at all, or simply didn't have a cinematic director on board.


Dialogue is boring. The player's voice is alright, but everything else kind of feels flat and poorly delivered. There's this one bit I just played where I had to talk to a guard at a gate. He was calling me "darlin" for some reason. The overall tone of the game is quite dark, so this bad attempt at humor kind of breaks the immersion a bit. What made it worse was he said, "f**k" a few lines later. It sounded so forced, like they thought it would be cool to drop an F-bomb.


Sword clashes and what not sound like they were recorded off a mobile phone or something. I think they re-used a lot of the sounds enemies make when getting hit. The Groms are back, and they sound like the developers themselves thought it would be funny to get behind the mic to make their sound effects.


It runs terrible. There's a lot of skipping and pauses. Sometimes when I go to sneak my player's model flys off into the distance. I don't actually move there. It snaps me back to how I was supposed to be quickly, but you can just tell something went wrong with the code work to blend animations.


All in all, I was looking forward to this. I thought they'd fixed a lot of the things I hated in the first one, but it seems they didn't. I'm surprised they even got a publisher behind this one. Still, I know some people loved the first one. It is an improvement over the first, so those fans will probably love it.



haha habe ich mir gedacht.

ich bin einer der personen die es liebten ^^

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