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Blood Drive


Empfohlene Beiträge



I'm the Man on the Mountain, come on up - All Tournament Mode cup events completed

W - is for Winner - Placed 1st in all the Events completed within a single Zone.

Home is where the Heart is - Game completed with Kelly

Till Death do us Part - Game completed with Reggie

Shred some Faces - Game completed with Bedlam

Who's the Cat that won't cop out - Game completed with Superstar

Phantom of the Opera - Game completed with Nazar

Ode to Mother Russia - Game completed with Natalya

Into the Sunset - Game completed with Jackson

Go out for a Pass - Game completed with Brock

Glove Slapped - All Challenge Mode Events completed

Zombie Community Culling - Rack up a 50+ Zombie Killing Spree

Flesh Hacky Sack - Hit a Shambler into the air, then kill it before it lands

Death by Goldberg Machine - Crush upwards of 5 Zombies by knocking a solid prop into them

Undeath From Above - Crush 10 Zombies by way of air landing over the course of any event

Driving Miss Zombie - Carry a roof perched Leaper over 1 jump, activating Jump-Cam

Crash & Burn - Multiplayer: Kill another human player while both your vehicles are airborne

Survivalist - Multiplayer: Survive an entire event without dying once.

Wastelander - Multiplayer: Complete in 100 online events.

Variety is the Spice of Life - Wreck all vehicles in an event at least once each

Bully - Wreck the designated Rival 5 times in one event

Donut King - Completed uninterrupted donuts for 10 seconds

He's a Wreckin' Machine! - Wreck 5 vehicles during one Juggernaut or Damage Fever Rage

The Blind leading the Blinded - Wreck 5 vehicles during one Flashbling or Cloak Rage

Keep Back: Highly Volatile - Wreck 3 vehicles with one Shockwave or Gross Polluter Rage

From the Heavens - Wreck 3 vehicles with one Surgical Strike or Gravity Well Rage

And we'll keep on fighting till the end - Blood Drive Championship Cup Completed




C - is for Champion - Place 1st in all events in the Blood Drive tournament

Hardcore Strip teased - Hardcore Cup completed with Kelly

Hardcore Cup Flatlined - Hardcore Cup completed with Reggie

Hardcore Cup Rolled - Hardcore Cup completed with Bedlam

Hardcore Cup Body slammed - Hardcore Cup completed with Superstar

Hardcore Cup Assassinated - Hardcore Cup completed with Nazar

Hardcore Cup Conquered - Hardcore Cup completed with Natalya

Hardcore Cup Lynched - Hardcore Cup completed with Jackson

Hardcore Cup Sacked - Hardcore Cup completed with Brock

Zombie Populace Culling - Rack up a 100+ Zombie Killing Spree

God Save the King - Multiplayer: Player collected and kept King of the Hill status for the entire Event duration, without divestment

Untouchable - Multiplayer: Player survived the entire Hot Potato Event duration without receiving the Jackpot Bomb once



Versteckte Trophäen




Import some Zombie talent, Quick! - Kill 20,000 Zombies over the course of the game (figure recorded in Stats menu)

O - is for Overachiever - Placed 1st in all events in all cups

Day I was born, the nurses all gathered round - Hardcore Cup Completed




Obsess Much? - All other Trophies obtained

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  • Beiträge

    • Fallout  Starke Adaption des Videospiel. Hier und da wirken einige Kulissen sehr unnatürlich,  generell aber zu meiner ÜÜberraschung sehr authentisch gelöst. Die unnötige Brutalität anfangs legt sich mit der Zeit und wird, wenn sie wieder auftritt, im Stiele des VAT Systems völlig überspitzt dargestellt. Die lore wird auch mit viel Fanservice abgearbeitet.  09/10
    • Langeweile oder keine anderen Probleme!! Ist doch super, wenn man sich jetzt schon darüber aufregen kann!!   Zeigt einfach das die Welt ansonsten in Ordnung ist!! (bin heute mal positiv drauf  )
    • Gute Nacht oder Morgen *rennt lieber schnell* 😚☺️
    • Oh, hast du gesehen? Bei der japanischen Version sind (Limited glaube ich) so 3 kleinere Figuren dabei. Weiß nix über die Qualität der Boni, aber nice to have und allgemein würde mich die JP Version schon reizen. Nach der deutschen Version. ^.^ Die Lieferung wäre allerdings, bei Bestellung jetzt, ca. Mitte Mai. (In der Bucht habe ich geguckt)
    • Einfach cool bleiben und Spaß haben mit dem Game, wenn es erscheint. Die Demo hat doch den meisten klasse gefallen, so wie mir auch. Kann mir nicht vorstellen, das der Rest dann schlecht ist. Wie werden ja sehen, wie es jeden persönlich dann gefällt im Gesamtpaket.  
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