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Grand Theft Auto V™


Welche Wertung würdest du GTA V geben?  

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  1. 1. Welche Wertung würdest du GTA V geben?

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es reicht schon das yt von solchen videos zugespammt wird muss es jetzt auch dieses forum sein?:facepalm:


einfach nicht angucken, und gut ist, ich habe mir auch nichts mehr durchgelesen oder angeguckt, will mich nur noch überraschen lassen vom GTA V universum.


überraschung ist immer noch am besten, als es vorher zu wissen.

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OMG OMG GAME INFORMER hat ein erstes HAnds on zu GTA Online. http://gtaforums.com/topic/585650-game-informer-gta-online-hands-on/


Das mit den Eltern ist ja mal richtig geil :D

Man wählt bei der Charackter Erstellung die Eltern und bekommt so seinen Char. bei der Collectors Edi. sind die exclusiven Charaktere als Eltern verfügbar Claude Niko Bellic und so ne Frau.



Hier die Wichtigsten Infos:



  • "Once GTA Online goes live, players are given access to a fourth player on their in-game character wheel...he or she doesn't speak."
  • "Develop strong ties with private security company Merriweather, and you can even phone in an airstrike to remove that pesky car in the front of the pack during a heated race".
  • "You can lock down your games to only let the players you want in there."
  • "The skills you start with are based on the lifestyle you have chosen for your character....whether they spend more time partying or sitting on the couch or doing criminal activities than sleeping and being athletic."
  • "The crew leader decides who gets to keep the loot."
  • "Putting a racing transmission into a sedan makes it switch gears more quickly, while buying high-end replacement brakes and tires on a luxury sportscar gives it better handling..."
  • "Having gotten behind the wheel of a racecar, SUV, and sedan, each felt very distinct and much more in line with a traditional racing game than any previous GTA title."
  • Regarding a mission... "Each player gets to choose his or her own role" ... (e.g. sniper, lookout, transporter)
  • Passive mode prevents others from shooting you, but is deactivated as soon as you start shooting your own gun.
  • "If you get robbed by another player and demand satisfaction, you can put a bounty on his or her head."
  • "Once you have...a high-end residency, you unlock the ability to set up involved heists..." in a planning room that you invite your friends to.
  • "Modest apartments only have room for two vehicles...high-end luxury condiminium...10. You can hire a mechanic to watch over them and buy insurance to avoid paying huge repair bills..."
  • "After a rough job, head to your place and take a shower to clean off the blood and scars. Many activities are available, including calling strippers, having a drink, looking through the telescope to enjoy the view, or watching one of the several Rockstar-created parody shows on TV."
  • You must reach a certain rank before you can create your own content.



Bearbeitet von PLAT1N
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