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Grand Theft Auto V™


Welche Wertung würdest du GTA V geben?  

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  1. 1. Welche Wertung würdest du GTA V geben?

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Lol was?

Ein mehrseitiger Bericht zu GTA V?

Es gibt bis jetzt nur den Trailer und durch den erfährt man die Location.

Was zur Hölle haben die sich aus den Fingern gesaugt, das sie es geschafft haben mit den wenig infos die es bis jetzt gibt mehrere Seiten zu füllen?:nixweiss:


ich habe das heft jetzt leider nicht zur hand und bin auch nicht auf dem laufenden was hier schon gepostet wurde oder welche screenshots / trailer aktuell sind.


mir ging es im grunde nur darum: http://www.videogameszone.de/play3-Brands-212708/News/play3-1-12-mit-16-Seiten-GTA-5-PlayStation-Vita-im-Praxistest-und-Importspiele-Report-857654/

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ich habe das heft jetzt leider nicht zur hand und bin auch nicht auf dem laufenden was hier schon gepostet wurde oder welche screenshots / trailer aktuell sind.


mir ging es im grunde nur darum: http://www.videogameszone.de/play3-Brands-212708/News/play3-1-12-mit-16-Seiten-GTA-5-PlayStation-Vita-im-Praxistest-und-Importspiele-Report-857654/


Und was schreiben die im Magazin? Nur das was man selbst weiss, Gerüchte und Spekulationen.

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Hier mal was zur "möglichen" Exklusivität.


1. GTA IV was supposed to be a PS3 exclusive before Microsoft paid R* $75,000,000. This was at a time where many more people owned 360s than PS3s.


2. R* has promised Sony an exclusive and have not delivered with LA Noire nor Agent. Agent died out, and R* since them have said they are working on something but never went into detail as to what it is.


3. GTA V trailer never said which consoles (or console) it is on.


4. From the words of GT's Geoff Keighley:


- A PS3 exclusive "we won't believe". So this pretty much takes out any PS3 franchise in my opinion. God of War 4? Why wouldn't we believe that? It sounds to me like a game EVERYONE expects to be multiplatform but isn't. Same with new IPs. Why would we not believe a new IP is exclusive? I'm set on the game being a game everyone would buy but being a PS3 exclusive will be a HUGE surprise.

- "Massive Announcement, no one will see coming" YEP.

- "I'm shocked everyday none of this has leaked out" YEP, seeing as we've seen the GTA V trailer and all.

- He said "we have something mindblowing to unveil FROM SONY" This to me sounds like an announcement from Sony rather than Sony showing off the game themselves. He never says it's a new game, ever.

- "You're going to meet the characters, see the world" Classic GTA characters, plus the world which is said to be San Andreas. Again, not a new IP unless it's Title Fight. It sounds like we are revisiting the character and the world from past GTA titles.

- He makes a point in saying it's from the "in-game engine". Since we've already seen the trailer for GTA V, it could be some amazing gameplay.

- "an absolutely AMAZING developer" Okay guys, it's not Media Molecule, it's not Santa Monica. Valve, Rockstar, Naughty Dog, etc. Work with those. I mean honestly, who would make a point in saying amazing developer even if it's a Sony exclusive dev? What would be surprising there? (I included ND cus they're so amazing lol)

- "People will be shocked to know what's going on behind the scenes". It sounds like something we KNOW. Sounds more of a secret then a new unveiling because he says "behind the scenes", as in, hidden from us. Unannounced new games are always behind the scenes..


5. "The Last of Us" trailer I believe was just to throw us off. Either that, or maybe it is a preview of the world of GTA V, one that's filled with poverty and violence? Or maybe it's an indication of what Microsoft fanboys will do. xP If not that, then I believe it's Resident Evil 6, which would also be huge. Like I said, it can't be a new IP (unless it's Title Fight, I suppose).






Schon krass wie weit die Leute denken können :D

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