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Dead Island [Released]


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wie gesagt "zurzeit ist mein GOTY 2011" ^^


In der Stadt hab ich mal sonne, düster und es regnet oder es ist neblig.


Die "Rammer" sind übrigens echt geil :haha:. Das mit "mein" hab ich gelesen ;). Ich meinte nur, dass es für ein GotY etwas bessere Technik braucht, auch wenn mich Techland jetzt wirklich damit überrascht hat.

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Complete list of improvements:


Multiplayer and Matchmaking improvements

• Maps are now correctly synchronized when player joins during map loading

• Games now filter correctly in lobby

• After joining a coop game enemies now spawn correctly


User guidance improved. (Quest guidance, UI, shop)


Additional interface polishing

• Map tracking now works correctly after loading checkpoints

• Health and stamina bars of enemies now display correctly in coop.

• Locations of invisible NPCs are no longer shown

• More than one player can now use the same ladder simultaneously

• Focus on items in shops is not changing after operation (sell, buy)

• Additional Interface polishing

• Fixed displaying gather rings near some door


Player death behavior improved

• Respawn position now saved when playing in cooperative mode

• If player dies whilst inside vehicle, menu will now be hidden


Save game mechanics extended

• Added distinction between quest checkpoints and other saves

Minor animation fixes

• AI animation now displays correctly after fast travel or travel through portals


AI improvements

• Improved enemy awareness (zombies)

• Enemies reaction to fire adapted

• Enemies are now able to successfully reach player on some arenas

• Shooting enemies no longer spawn infinitely


Balancing changes in difficulty, majorly for second playthrough

• Item level will be calculated correctly when playing in second playthrough

• Kick interrupting reload now adapted, after clip wis inserted reload is treated as successful

• Health regeneration is now disabled during grab.

• More HP for all escorted NPCs

• Removed all instances of Butcher during escorts

• Purna can gain bonus rage from both “Grim Inspiration” and “Inspiring Kick”

• Only "Walker" type enemies increase the extra XP of the "Combo" skill from Xian’s Survival skill tree


Pause Option added

• Added information about players requesting pause (Coop)


Looting rules improved

• Thrown items now cannot be picked up by another player for 5 minutes.

• Items from just-opened containers cannot be picked up by another player for 5 seconds.


Minor graphical glitches fixed.

• Rectified occasional graphical glitch with NPC's hands bend

• Animations now display correctly when trading

• Stomper animation now displays correctly when same target is hit by another player


Sound bugs fixed

• Volume of pickup's engine has been increased


Quest bugs removed

• All side quests in Laboratory can now be successfully completed

• Potential walkthrough blocker removed when quest "Knockin' on Heaven’s Door" is completed before talking to Dominik during "On the air" quest




Das hier sind die Offiziellen Patch Notes auf http://deadisland.deepsilver.com/blog.php


zu beachten ist das auch hier die Save games angesprochen werden. Dies ist zwar nur so das da Unterschiede zwischen Checkpoints und abgeschlossen Quests gemacht werden aber eventuell ist da noch n klener bug mit drin der die vermischt so das wenn man nach nem Checkpoint ausschaltet die quest die man davor gemacht hat nicht mehr gespeichert is oder so ähnlich ^^.

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