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Und eine 3,5" HDD Halterung + Tastatur für den DS4 wurden von Nyko angekündigt.




Booooom. Mein 1000. Beitrag =)

Ich verlange einen Kuchen! (Den hier)


Hmm die HDD Halterung finde ich wirklich hässlich :D

Da mache ich das lieber mit dem Kabel. Einfach Kabel hinten raus und neben die PS4 die Festplatte stellen. Wenn man den richtigen Platz hat, sieht man sogar gar nichts von der großen Festplatte :)

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dead nation hat nur cross-buy zwischen PS3 und vita.

für PS4 gibt es nur die apokalypse edition und die muss man separat kaufen.


info aus dem store:


resogun ist cross-buy zwischen PS4, PS3 und vita, egal welche richtung.


Dankeschön :)




Aber echt. Das Design hat ziemlich was vom Todesstern :bana2:

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Wir haben ein einiges Thema zu den PS+ Spielen.


Ich habe mich auch vorhin kaputtgelacht, mein Cousin aus Belgien fragt was er alles runterladen soll.

Ich hab dem gesagt er soll auch Gravity Crush runterladen für die Vita, mal gucken was das ist. Er hats überall gesucht und nicht gefunden, da steht nur was von Duke Nukem meint er.

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BF4 kriegt anscheinend noch mehr DLCs



Infos zu Uncharted 4


Porting The Last of Us to PS4 helped Uncharted 4‘s development

Small team working on it since Uncharted 3‘s development ended, half the team moved to U4 after TLOU and the rest after Left Behind.

Takes places three years after U3.

At the start of U4 Drake is living an happy life with Elena, then Sam appears.

Drake thought Sam was dead.

Sam’s life depends on him finding an artifact from Henry Avery.

Drake feels indebted of his brother and he can’t resist getting back on treasure hunting.

Story takes Drake and Sam to Libertalia: “a mythic Madagascar colony purportedly founded by pirates.”

You’re not going to spend the whole game on the island, snowy and urban environments teased.

There are two rival hunters, Rafe and Nadine.

Rafe is a very different treasure hunter than Drake, with different morale and approach.

Nadine owns a private military company in South Africa.

Villains will play a bigger role this time.

“The lack of Sam being in Nathan life for so long is what’s driven him in the last games.”

Sam is five years older than Drake.

Elena and Sully might come back.

Sam is even more reckless than Drake.

Sam is jealous of Drake, sees him as the “better at everything little brother”

Lots of rivalry between them.

Naugty Dog declined to talk about Drake and Sam’s past.

Artifacts (collectibles) may contain notes pointing to more treasures/artifacts.

Enemies can grab your leg if you try to push them over ledges.

More tools besides Rope and Piton (metal spike). They’re not ready to talk about them yet.

ND Wants to to incorporate the tools into puzzles.

GI saw an extended demo with a new scene. Drake is beaten down while Sam is rested, they start arguing the existance of the Avery secret, then something catches Drake’s eye, he moves forward, pull some foliage, revealing a gray monument with a carving.

Focusing on navigational freedom for this entry.

Shown multiple paths, one finding an extra cave, another bypassing a group of enemies.

There are plenty of side stories if you’re looking for them.

In the demo they shown Drake taking a more riskier climbing route, that almost makes him fall into the sea.

All paths have consequences, there’s no “golden path.”

There’s an overhauled A.I system.

They compared Sam’s A.I to Ellie, but says Sam is a grown up treasure hunter, so he’s much stronger than Ellie.

They’re trying to “explore what it’s like to be with somebody as capable of Nathan Drake.”

ND did not give a straight answer if this is Drake last adventure.

There’s still plenty of humour in the game.

The concept of the set pieces is “What’s something impactful that we can do to switch expectations and how can we have it emotionally charged?”


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BF4 kriegt anscheinend noch mehr DLCs



Infos zu Uncharted 4


Porting The Last of Us to PS4 helped Uncharted 4‘s development

Small team working on it since Uncharted 3‘s development ended, half the team moved to U4 after TLOU and the rest after Left Behind.

Takes places three years after U3.

At the start of U4 Drake is living an happy life with Elena, then Sam appears.

Drake thought Sam was dead.

Sam’s life depends on him finding an artifact from Henry Avery.

Drake feels indebted of his brother and he can’t resist getting back on treasure hunting.

Story takes Drake and Sam to Libertalia: “a mythic Madagascar colony purportedly founded by pirates.”

You’re not going to spend the whole game on the island, snowy and urban environments teased.

There are two rival hunters, Rafe and Nadine.

Rafe is a very different treasure hunter than Drake, with different morale and approach.

Nadine owns a private military company in South Africa.

Villains will play a bigger role this time.

“The lack of Sam being in Nathan life for so long is what’s driven him in the last games.”

Sam is five years older than Drake.

Elena and Sully might come back.

Sam is even more reckless than Drake.

Sam is jealous of Drake, sees him as the “better at everything little brother”

Lots of rivalry between them.

Naugty Dog declined to talk about Drake and Sam’s past.

Artifacts (collectibles) may contain notes pointing to more treasures/artifacts.

Enemies can grab your leg if you try to push them over ledges.

More tools besides Rope and Piton (metal spike). They’re not ready to talk about them yet.

ND Wants to to incorporate the tools into puzzles.

GI saw an extended demo with a new scene. Drake is beaten down while Sam is rested, they start arguing the existance of the Avery secret, then something catches Drake’s eye, he moves forward, pull some foliage, revealing a gray monument with a carving.

Focusing on navigational freedom for this entry.

Shown multiple paths, one finding an extra cave, another bypassing a group of enemies.

There are plenty of side stories if you’re looking for them.

In the demo they shown Drake taking a more riskier climbing route, that almost makes him fall into the sea.

All paths have consequences, there’s no “golden path.”

There’s an overhauled A.I system.

They compared Sam’s A.I to Ellie, but says Sam is a grown up treasure hunter, so he’s much stronger than Ellie.

They’re trying to “explore what it’s like to be with somebody as capable of Nathan Drake.”

ND did not give a straight answer if this is Drake last adventure.

There’s still plenty of humour in the game.

The concept of the set pieces is “What’s something impactful that we can do to switch expectations and how can we have it emotionally charged?”

Wilst du es in 3 Stunden nochmal posten?:trollface:

Wurde bereits von dir gepostet, und gibt es bereits als News auf der Hauptseite:smileD:

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