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Empfohlene Beiträge



Aces High - Hit the Ace of Spades spinner eleven times in five minutes.

All Powered Up - Use Super Power on at least four balls at once.

Black Jack of all Trades - Light up the 10, Jack, Queen, King, and Ace in order on the Circle the Wagons classic table.

Conservationist - In a score battle game, win while losing less than five balls.

Everybody Knows Your Name - Get the ball into the saloon on the Circle the Wagons battle table for the first time.

Full Arsenal - Have each of the slotted power ups at once. (Ball Thief, Super Power, Power Flippers)

Grand Ballarceny - Steal four balls with one use of Ball Thief.

Saloon Hopper - Get into the saloon four times in five minutes in one game.

Sharp Shooter - Hit the skill shot on the Circle the Wagons classic table.

The Musical Fruit - Get the ball into the can of beans kicker three times in a three minute game on either the battle or classic table.

Trigger Happy - Activate the gun three times in one game.




Arcade Rat - Play 30 games of pinball.

Millionaire's Club - Reach a score of 5,000,000 on a table in a 10 minute game.

Potato Salad - Get a Hot Potato past your opponent 30 times during your career.

Tamed the West - Complete all of the features on the Circle the Wagons classic table and both sides of the battle table.



Made of Money DLC:




$$$ Shot - Hit the skill shot on the Made of Money classic table.

Back Nine - Light all of the sub-table lights in one visit to the sub-table in the Made of Money battle table.

Ballin' Rims - Light up all of the sub-table lights in one visit to the sub-table in the Made of Money classic table.

Rock Around the Clock! - Complete the clock feature on the Made of Money classic table.

Tradin' Paint - Experience five 'Switch Sides' in a five minute period on any Made of Money battle table game.

Trading Places - Experience one 'Switch Sides' on the Made of Money battle table.




High Roller - Complete all of the features on the Made of Money classic and battle tables.



Sector X DLC:




Brundle Ball - Activate the teleporter seven times in five minutes on the Sector X battle table.

Nice Shot Kid - Get the skill shot on the Sector X classic table.

Shields, Scotty! - Experience the breaking down of the force field on the Sector X battle table.

There's something...on the wing! - Activate sabotage four times in five minutes.

Truce - Complete a Score Challenge game on the Sector X battle table with neither side breaking down the force field.

We're taking this baby to the Moon! - Launch the rocket five times in a three ball game on the Sector X classic table.




Master of the Universe - Complete all of the features on the Sector X classic table and both sides of the battle table.

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