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Marvel Super Hero Squad: Comic Combat


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1,000 Issues Sold - Sell 1,000 issues

A Clean Getaway - Exit a panel with a full ink meter and all heroes at full health

A Jarring Defeat - Complete Issue 6

All right squaddies... - Use Hero Up!

Big Spender - Drain two full bars of ink in a single attack

Cleanup in Aisle Villainville - Complete Issue 5

Costume Change - Start a panel with a hero wearing an alternate costume

Double Vision - Use two decoys simultaneously

Drawn to Distraction - Use a decoy to distract 3 or more enemies at the same time

Eraser Dusted - Use a glyph bomb to defeat 5 or more enemies at the same time

Five for the Price of One - Defeated 5 enemies simultaneously

Hold It! - Defeat an enemy using only Hold abilities

Hulk Can't Count That High! - Sell 10,000 issues

Light Reading - Find 5 Comic Stacks

Medicine is the Best Medicine - Pick up a health pack when a hero is about to be defeated

Point Taken - Pick up 75 Hero Points in a single panel

Rock and Roll - Defeat 3 or more enemies with one glyph ball roll

Saved the Sanctum - Complete Issue 4

Shake, Rattle, and Destroy - Use an Earthquake to defeat 5 or more enemies

Six Hexxed - Hit six targets with one hex using Scarlet Witch

Stole Doom's Thunder - Complete Issue 1

Took Back the Baxter Building - Complete Issue 2

Two Birds with One Pen - Use a single ink attack to defeat 2 or more enemies

Upsadaisy - Revive a hero to full health

Victory in the Vault - Complete Issue 3




A Stranger to Laser Danger - Survive the laser hallway without getting hit by laser

Bare Hands Brigade - Complete a panel using Wolverine, Reptil, and Hulk

Femme Fight All - Complete a panel using Scarlet Witch, Squirrel Girl, and Invisible Woman

Flying off the Shelves! - Sell 7,000 issues in a single panel

Hero Up! - Use Hero Up! five times in one issue

Heroic Aerobics - Use Hero Up! to defeat 6 or more enemies

Hi, there! I'm Squirrel Girl. - Play as Squirrel Girl in a back Issue

Hulk... SMASH! - Use Hulk to destroy 25 breakables

Just Don't Call Me 'Wolvie' - Land the final blow on a Brute with Wolverine

Lock Unblocker - Open a Factor Lock for each Factor

Loose Canon - Complete a panel with all heroes in alternative costumes

Old Rivalries Revived - Bring Squirrel Girl into the final fight against Doom

That's a Lot of Points - Pick up 1,000 Hero Points




One Million Sales! - Sell 1,000,000 issues

Summer Reading - Find all the Comic Stacks

The Pen is Mightier - Defeat Doctor Doom in the end boss battle




Platinum - Earned all of the game’s trophies

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  • Beiträge

    • Konnte es nun endlich starten. Der Download hat ewig gedauert. Zuerst war ich enttäuscht. Vom grafischen Aspekt kein Unterschied. Dann aktivierte ich in den Settings den Leistungsmodus, und boom, was für ein scharfes Bild. Richtig gut. Allerdings ist bei mir manches deutsch, manches englisch, wie Settings, Quit, etc.
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    • Weiß jemand wann die Ps5 Version (Upgrade)kostenlos sein wird. Weil die PS4 Version besitzt ich ja.🤔
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