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The House of the Dead IV


Empfohlene Beiträge



ANOTHER PANDORA'S BOX - See the true ending of HOD4 SP.

BONUS EXPLORER - Find a secret room.

CUT THE WIRE - During CHAPTER 2, cut the wire and let the enemies fall.

DESPAIR - Clear CHAPTER 4 on any difficulty.

EAT THIS!!! - During CHAPTER 1 Boss encounter, throw a grenade and damage JUSTICE.

EMPTINESS - Clear CHAPTER 3 on any difficulty.

ESCAPE - Clear CHAPTER 1 on any difficulty.

FIGHT BEGINS - See the good ending of HOD4 SP.

GET THE BUS - Shoot and destroy the BUS.

HOPE - Clear CHAPTER 6 on any difficulty.

LOST - Clear CHAPTER 2 on any difficulty.

REUNION - Clear CHAPTER 5 on any difficulty.

WHO'S NEXT? - See the bad ending of HOD4 SP.




TOP AGENT - Get RANK 2 or above in Final Result.




PANDORA'S BOX - See all 4 endings of THE HOUSE OF THE DEAD 4.

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