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PSVita: Resistance: Burning Skies


Empfohlene Beiträge



Conversion Tower - Successfully complete level 6

Dangerous - Kill 250 Chimera in the Single Player Campaign

Ellis Island - Successfully complete level 4

George Washington Bridge - Successfully complete level 3

Indiscriminate - Kill an enemy with every weapon in the Single Player Campaign

Military Ocean Terminal - Successfully complete level 2

Protection Camp - Successfully complete level 5

Staten Island - Successfully complete level 1

Upgrade - Upgrade a weapon in the Single Player Campaign

Variety - Use the secondary fire of each weapon in the Single Player Campaign




Axed - Kill 50 Chimera with Riley's axe in the Single Player Campaign

Boom - Kill 100 Chimera with headshots in the Single Player Campaign

Combine - Upgrade both slots of a weapon in the Single Player Campaign

Deadly - Kill 500 Chimera in the Single Player Campaign

Executed - Kill an Executioner

Impaled - Kill an Impaler

Overheat - Kill 50 Chimera by detonating their heatstacks in the Single Player Campaign




Customize - Upgrade all weapons in the Single Player Campaign

Giant - Kill any combination of 18 Impalers or Executioners

Incite - Complete one round of multiplayer

Lethal - Kill 1000 Chimera in the Single Player Campaign




Platinum - Earn all trophies


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Nur mal so zur Info: Die 3 Versteckten müssen gold sein. Sonst würde man nicht auf die 1000 Punkte bei Spielen mit einer Platin kommen ;)

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