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Map Pack & Gameo of the Year Edition


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weiss einer, wann die map packs für mw 2 kommen sollen ? und wird es eine game of the year edition geben, wo die maps bereits kostenlos enthalten sind ? Im frühjahr die maps, aber wann genau ?


Activision announced that two downloadable map packs will be released for Modern Warfare 2.[70] At E3 2009, Microsoft stated that these map packs would be made available for the Xbox 360 via Xbox Live before they would be released for other platforms.[71] Robert Bowling stated that the community response to the game and the first two downloadable map packs would be used in designing other potential map packs. [72] On 25th November, Robert Bowling posted on his twitter page stating that the first Downloadable Content would be out in the vague time of Spring. This could possibly change as he also stated that he would say when they expect it to be finished.

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