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internet verbindung bei linux


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Hast du denn auch die Verbindungsparameter für dein WLAN eingestellt?

Das ist doch sicher verschlüsselt!

Per Kabel bräuchtest du es einfach nur an den Router anzuschließen und fertig.



ja ist verschlüsselt aber ich weiß nicht wo ich den schlüssel eingeben soll!

und mein router ist leider zu weit weg für kabel

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Ich kenne das Yellow Dog leider nicht, aber beim Ubuntu ist das Network-Management Applet (nm-applet) dabei, mit dem du alle Parameter einstellen kannst.

Wo ist denn der kenny, der macht doch so viel mit Linux.


kenny..... keeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.....

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hier issa...


yellowdog ist für mich neuland, zumindest auf der PS3, ABER

aber mein Freund Hans-Peter von G. Oogle hat mir folgende infos gegeben:


Activate Wifi on the PS3 under Linux

The Wifi on the PS3 in Linux takes a little bit of work to activate wireless networking to use eth0 (Linux ID for the networking device). This unforently only allows for either a wired OR wireless connection NOT both. This is due to limitations of the Hypervisor that all “otherOS” (in this case Yellow Dog Linux) have to go through to get to the hardware.

  1. Log into YDL as a user
  2. Unplug the wired network cable
  3. Open the Network configuration menu by clicking on the Yellow Dog logo (Menu Button) from the main shelf, then follow the menus Applications > Applications > System Tools > System Config > Network.
  4. Enter the root password when asked (for security purposes)
  5. Click on the “Hardware” tab
  6. Select the “Sony PS3 Ethernet Dev”
  7. Click “Delete”
  8. Confirm deletion by clicking “Yes”
  9. Confirm again by clicking “Yes”


Set up the Wireless connection

  1. Click on the “Devices” tab
  2. Click on "Deactivate"
  3. Click “New”
  4. Select “Wireless Connection”
  5. Click “Forward”
  6. Select the “Sony PS3 Ethernet Device (eth0)”
  7. Click “Forward”
  8. Set the mode to “Auto”
  9. Select “Specified:” for”Network name: (SSID)
  10. In the box provided enter the SSID of your access point (this can be found in the management settings for your access point
  11. Select the Channel that your access point is using (this can be found in the management settings for your access point) (NOTE: only channels 1-11 are legal for use in the USA, please check local laws for other restrictions)
  12. Set the “Transmit Rate” to “Auto”
  13. If your access point does not use encryption make sure the box labeled “Key” empty, if it does please complete the “Encryption” selection below now
  14. Click “Forward”
  15. If your Network is using DHCP to hand out IP address or if you are unsure select “Automatically obtain IP address settings with DHCP”
  16. Click “Forward”
  17. Click "Forward"
  18. Click “Apply”
  19. Click "Activate"
  20. Click "Yes"
  21. Click "Ok"
  22. Test your connection, it should be active


Change the Wireless Settings

Use this when you want to change the access point that the PS3 is connecting to, but you have already configured wireless as above or have installed a version of YDL 5 that already supports wireless

  1. Open the Network configuration menu by clicking on the Yellow Dog logo (Menu Button) from the main shelf, then follow the menus Applications > Applications > System Tools > System Config > Network.
  2. Enter the root password when asked (for security purposes)
  3. Click on the “Devices” tab
  4. Click on "Deactivate"
  5. Click “New”
  6. Select “Wireless Connection”
  7. Click “Forward”
  8. Select the “Sony PS3 Ethernet Device (eth0)”
  9. Click “Forward”
  10. Set the mode to “Auto”
  11. Select “Specified:” for”Network name: (SSID)
  12. In the box provided enter the SSID of your access point (this can be found in the management settings for your access point
  13. Select the Channel that your access point is using (this can be found in the management settings for your access point) (NOTE: only channels 1-11 are legal for use in the USA, please check local laws for other restrictions)
  14. Set the “Transmit Rate” to “Auto”
  15. If your access point does not use encryption make sure the box labeled “Key” empty, if it does please complete the “Encryption” selection below now
  16. Click “Forward”
  17. If your Network is using DHCP to hand out IP address or if you are unsure select “Automatically obtain IP address settings with DHCP”
  18. Click “Forward”
  19. Click “Apply”
  20. Click "Activate"
  21. Click "Yes"
  22. Click "Ok"
  23. Test your connection, it should be active



Currently in progress of writing How-to's to go with this.

ich bin jetzt mal ganz frech und gehe davon aus, das zumindest dieses grunschulenglisch verstanden wird :tongue2:




erschreckender weise, gibt es auch entsprechende HowTo's auf der YDL Homepage : Terra Soft -- Linux for Cell, PlayStation PS3, QS20, QS21, QS22, IBM System p, Mercury Cell, and Apple PowerPC.

Bearbeitet von kenny252
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