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Black Ops Mappack 3 "Annihilation"


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is echt coll das vid (kann mir jemand tipps zu call of the death geben ich weiß net wie ich vorgehen soll. beim kino kauf ich mir einfach die m16 und entwickle die weil ich für die immer leicht munni kaufen kann is also auch bei 45 oder so kein proplem)

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Ich habe die ultimative Antwort. Ich finde es richtig faszinierend:


In der Mission Vortuka, dem Gefängniss liegt die Antwort. Viktor Reznov (Reznov´s Plan) lieht mit euch aus dem Gefängiss. Dabei sagt er doch die Schritte, was als nächstes zu tun ist. Es sind genau 8 Schritte, ja genau die Schritte (in Englisch):


1. Secure the keys.

2. Ascend from darkness. (Take the elevator to get to the surface).

3. Rain fire. (Use the slingshot to destroy the guard towers).

4. Unleash the horde. (Rally the prisoners with the broadcast system in Vorkuta).

5. Skewer the winged beast.(Shoot down the helicopter).

6. Wield a fist of iron. (Acquire the Death Machine).

7. Raise Hell. (Storm the prison guards).

8. Freedom. (Escape the prison).


Their plan worked, and they escaped the prison.


Quelle: http://www.thetechgame.com/Forums/viewtopic/t=913665.html





1. Secure the keys. (Activate the generator)

2. Ascend from darkness. (Activate Illuminati Computer (Node 1))

3. Rain fire. (Activate the PaC Machine buttons during a monkey round)

4. Unleash the horde. (Shooting the Ballistic Knife in the Clock Room and waiting)

5. Skewer the winged beast.(Getting LUNA in the landers)

6. Wield a fist of iron. (Obtain the Death Machines.)

7. Raise Hell. 1*** (Meins: Flug in den Himmel, Flucht aus der Hölle; Call of the Dead)

8. Freedom. 2***







This step has NEVER been done - at all. This is the only step that has never been shown in the videos, or anything. There are many theories to the 7th step, but here are three from the CoD Wiki:


-The Lunar Lander next to the Speed Cola has a sign near it that translates to "hell", meaning the players might need to go on that Lander, and that would free the man.


--Raise hell in Ascension could also mean the same thing as in Vorkuta, where the player just kills everyone he sees, however this is unlikely.


---The fire trap next to Stamin-Up has a "7" near it, meaning the player would have to activate it, as fire is commonly associated with hell, and the 7 might imply the 7th step.



- I've seen many people who say this step, but I've never seen it done. However, it does make sense to it working.


-- This one, when compared to campaign, makes sense, but when compared to zombies, doesn't.


--- This one makes as much sense as - did, but still, no footage has ever been shown of the 7th step.


Quelle: http://www.thetechgame.com/Forums/viewtopic/t=913665.html



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hay.. habt ihr ne ahnung..ob wenn ich die englische black ops version habe... mir das mappack zu world at war einfach aus dem uk store laden kann.. und dann bei black ops zocken kanns?


weil hab kein bock mir extra noch world at war zu holen..^^


call of dead finde ich übrigens um weiten schwerer als die vorigen maps...

irgendwie dauert da alles viel länger^^


aber vom design und den trophys er echt klasse geworden...


Record zu 2t in !!! 8 stunden !!! lvl 43...

dann mussten wir leider sterben weil mein router-reconnect anstand -_- .. aber war auch lang genug^^


greetz PSN:ID xX_A-GG-RO_Xx

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