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Empfohlene Beiträge



A Little Trouble Parking - Discover the fate of the Lusca's Call

Catch This! - Kill 10 enemies by throwing an object at them

Close Encounter - Secure victory in the Battle of Lingshan

Easy Darlin' - Rescue the hostage

Empty Platform - Secure the train station

Enjoy The Fireworks - Destroy the cruiser

Expedition Team - Escort Prophet to safety

Following Orders - Complete 3 Secondary Objectives

Going Underground - Enter the mines

I'm A Marine, Son! - Help the marines evacuate

I'm Coming Home - Escape the mysterious structure under the mountain

It's On Like General Kyong - Defeat General Kyong

Knock-off Knockout - Kill an enemy Nanosuit soldier with a Strength punch

Livin' Up To Your Name - Board the VTOL for extraction

Long Distance Relationship - Kill an enemy 200m away

Nano Ninja - Perform 5 consecutive kills without being spotted by an enemy

One Careful Owner - Reach the end of 'Onslaught' in the tank you started with

Pro-Aircraft - Destroy all AA guns around the harbor

Something For Every Occasion - Use all weapon attachments

Special Forces - Kill 200 enemies

Strickland Would Be Proud - Defeat the flight deck invader

Tank Buster - Destroy 5 enemy tanks

This Is My Rifle - Customize a weapon to use all 5 modification points

Very Strange Readings - Infiltrate the excavation site

You Knew, Didn't You? - Regroup with Prophet upriver

You're On Your Own - Proceed to the mining complex

Zoology - Pick up an animal




Choke Hold - Kill 20 enemies with grab

Delta: Act I - Complete 'Contact', 'Recovery' and 'Relic' on Delta difficulty

Delta: Act II - Complete 'Assault', 'Onslaught' and 'Awakening' on Delta difficulty

Delta: Act III - Complete 'Core', 'Paradise Lost', 'Exodus' and 'Reckoning' on Delta difficulty

Keen Observer - Tag 30 enemies using the binoculars

Marathon Man - Speed sprint 3km

No Fly Zone - Destroy 5 helicopters

Team Raptor - Kill 400 enemies

Weapons Master - Perform a kill with every firearm

Without Question - Complete 6 Secondary Objectives




Cool In A Crysis - Complete the game on Hard or Delta difficulty

Crysis Controlled - Complete the game on any difficulty

Perfect, Soldier! - Complete all Secondary Objectives




Platinum Trophy - Earn all available trophies for Crysis®


ich will ein iPhone

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Top-Benutzer in diesem Thema

Catwoman DLC




Campaign Kitty - Obtain all 108 medals on the original Arkham City campaigns (as Catwoman)

Feline Revenge - Obtain all 72 medals on the original Arkham City ranked maps (as Catwoman)

Sphinx' Riddle - Complete all 40 of the Catwoman Riddler grid items




Arkham City Sirens - Drop in on an old friend

Family Jewels - Retrieve your stolen goods

Pick Pocket - Steal the score of a lifetime






Robin DLC




Campaign Wonder - Obtain 114 medals on the original Arkham City and Robin Bundle Pack campaigns (as Robin)

Robin Revenge - Obtain 78 medals on the original Arkham City and Robin Bundle Pack ranked maps (as Robin)





Nightwing DLC




Campaign Nightwing - Obtain 114 medals on the original Arkham City and Nightwing Bundle Pack campaigns (as Nightwing)

Nightwing Revenge - Obtain 78 medals on the original Arkham City and Nightwing Bundle Pack ranked maps (as Nightwing)

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Kunst und Handwerk - Baue 10 Spezialgegenstände zusammen.

Bastler - Baue 50 Spezialgegenstände zusammen.

Jetpacker - Eliminiere einen Regierungs-Vollstrecker, während er mit dem Jetpack landet.

Der leise Tod - Eliminiere 10 Feinde mit der Striker-Armbrust, ohne Aufmerksamkeit zu erregen.

Hattrick - Töte min. 3 Feinde mit nur einem hypnotisierten Feind.

Sensenmann - Erreiche 10 Kopfschuss-Kills mit dem Wingstick.

Aufgesch(l)ossen - Erreiche 10 Kopfschuss-Kills mit dem Scharfschützengewehr.

Springer - Vollführe alle 18 Fahrzeugsprünge.

Ich brauch sie alle! - Sammle alle Spielkarten in einem kompletten Spieldurchlauf.

Meisterkoch - Sammle alle Rezepte und Baupläne in einem Spieldurchlauf.

Spitzensatz - Gewinne gegen Teagues besten Kartensatz.

JACKPOT! - Wirf 4 Zielkreuze in der ersten Grabsteine-Runde.

Nur 'ne Fleischwunde - Schaffe die schwerste Stufe von 5 Finger Filet.

Bardenspiel - Schließe die letzte Runde von Klimperei ab.

Minispieler - Gewinne alle Minispiele.

Bleifuß - Gewinne ein Rennen in der Kampagne.

Demolition Man - Zerstöre 100 gegnerische Fahrzeuge.

Das ist gut! - Fliege mit dem ATV durch alle 3 Fieldgoals.

Wildunfall - Überfahre 10 Mutanten.

Ghostbuster - Schließe den Ghost-Unterschlupf in der Kampagne ab.

Bei den Wasted nix Neues - Schließe die Wasted-Garage in der Kampagne ab.

Gladiator - Schließe Mutant Bash TV ab in der Kampagne ab.

Es lebt! - Schließe die Totenstadt in der Kampagne ab.

Wellness-Plan - Schließe den Brunnen in der Kampagne ab.

Aufgedeckt - Schließe den Shrouded-Bunker in der Kampagne ab.

tdatsnetoT - Schließe die Totenstadt umgekehrt in der Kampagne ab.

Ausbruch - Schließe das Regierungsgefängnis in der Kampagne ab.

Panzerknacker - Schließe den Gearhead-Tresor in der Kampagne ab.

Kraftkampf - Schließe das Kraftwerk in der Kampagne ab.

Kryptisch - Schließe den Jackal-Canyon in der Kampagne ab.

Mutanten-Blues - Schließe die Station der Blauen Linie in der Kampagne ab.

Verdiene deine Brötchen - Gewinne 750 Dollar in einer Bash-TV-Folge in der Kampagne.

Graffitikünstler - Finde den geheimen Graffitiraum der Entwickler.

Die Legende beginnt … - Schließe eine Legende des Ödlands ab.

Anthologie - Schließe alle Legenden des Ödlands ab.

Keine Nebenrollen - Schließe eine Legende des Ödlands ab, ohne dass ein Spieler schwer verwundet wird.

Frischfleisch - Schließe ein Road-RAGE-Spiel im Mehrspielermodus ab.

Wertvollster Spieler - Werde Erster bei einem Road-RAGE-Spiel im Mehrspielermodus.




Passiv aggressiv - Erreiche 3 Kills mit einem einzelnen Wachroboter.

Drei Fliegen, ein Bombenauto - Eliminiere 3 Feinde mit einem RC-Bombenauto.

Kommt nur her! - Erreiche 5 Kills mit einer Selbstschussanlage.

Mechanozid - Eliminiere 100 Feinde mit Wachrobotern, Selbstschussanlagen oder RC-Bombenautos.

Rage Cup - Gewinne all Rennen in der Kampagne.

Mr. Nebenjob - Schließe 5 Aufträge vom Anschlagbrett in einem Spieldurchlauf ab.

Immer feste drauf - Spiel die Kampagne mindestens in der Schwierigkeitsstufe Normal durch.

Hammerhart - Spiel die Kampagne mindestens in der Schwierigkeitsstufe Schwer durch.

RAGE-Alptraum - Spiel die Kampagne in der Schwierigkeitsstufe Alptraum durch.

Eine wahre Legende - Schließe eine Legende des Ödlands in der Schwierigkeitsstufe Alptraum ab.




Hey, immer sachte - Spiel die Kampagne in allen Schwierigkeitsstufen durch.

Besessen - Erreiche in der Kampagne einen Spielfortschritt von 100%.




Meister des Ödlands - Verdiene alle 50 Trophäen.

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Advanced Class - Get a 5-star rating on every section of an Intermediate routine in Dance Class

Beginner Class - Get a 5-star rating on every section of a Beginner routine in Dance Class

Centre Stage - Play your first Solo Dance

Choreographer - Create a Solo Dancer routine

Dance Made For Two - Create a Dance Partners routine

Dance Starter - Get a 5-star rating on a Beginner, normal length routine

Dance-Off - Play your first Dance Battle

Exclusive Footage - Upload a video or snapshot highlight to the Community Gallery

Fresh New Moves - Play a Creator Routine

Get Sweaty - Perform a Dance Workout

Hi-Five! - Get 5 hi-scores

I Like The Way You Dance - Rate a video or snapshot highlight in the Community Gallery

It Takes Two - Play your first Dance Partners routine

Party Time! - Play a 5-round Party

Raise The Roof - Get at least a 'Cool Singing' rating in 5 performances

Saving The Day - Save 20 highlights

Social Networking - Share a video or snapshot highlight with Facebook or Twitter




24 Round Party People - Play 24 Party rounds in total

Chart Buster! - Get 40 hi-scores

Dance Champion - Get a 5-star rating on 5 Intermediate, normal length routines

Feel The Burn - Perform 10 Dance Workouts

Keep On Moving - Play 50 dances

Learn With Friends - Get a 5-star rating on every section of a Dance Partners routine in Dance Class

Never Dropped A Beat - Achieve a 70-move streak in any routine (excludes Creator Routines)

Pitch Perfect - Get a 'Flawless Singing' rating in 10 performances

Top Of The Class - Get a 5-star rating on every section of a Professional routine in Dance Class

Tour De Dance - Play 15 dances in one game session




Dance Deity - Get a 5-star rating on 10 Professional, normal length routines

Feet Of Fire - Dance for 10 hours in total

Self Improvement - Burn at least 200 kcals a week for a month

Two Against The World - Get a 5-star rating on 10 Dance Partners, normal length routines (excludes Creator Routines)

Unstoppable Groove - Score 100,000 on a Professional routine




The Dance Never Ends... - Unlock all other trophies





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Dancing Fire - Complete the Lava Lakes Railway level and acquire the elemental source.

Dodge Ball - In the Falling Forest level, defeat Evil Ent while more than 5 of Evil Ent's seeds are on the field.

Fashion Stylist - Have your Skylander equip a hat for the first time.

Fresh Air - Complete the Stormy Stronghold level and acquire the elemental source.

Happy Hour - Open any treasure chest.

Hello Skylander!! - The first time you put your Skylander on the Portal of Power.

Home Sweet Home - Complete the Shattered Island level.

I love shopping - The first time you purchase an upgrade for your Skylander.

I love smashing! - Destroy all of the rocks in the Molekin Mine level.

Inside Power - Unlock any Elemental Gate.

Leviathan Dentist - Get swallowed by the Leviathan 5 times in the Leviathan Lagoon level.

Light of Life - Complete the Falling Forest level and acquire the elemental source.

Mother Earth - Complete the Stone Town level and acquire the elemental source.

New Challenger - Complete your first challenge level!

No Rocket Fired! - Never use any rocket in the Falling Forest level.

Perfect Technology - Complete the Battlefield level and acquire the elemental source.

Phew! That was close! - In the Leviathan Lagoon level, dodge 30 sharks without being hit.

Pure Water - Complete the Leviathan Lagoon level and acquire the elemental source.

Tag me if you can! - Avoid being hit by the laser traps during the boss fight in the Creepy Citadel level.

The First Battle - Play and complete any PvP match: win or lose.

Undead Spirit - Complete the Creepy Citadel level and acquire the elemental source.




Archaeologist - Collect 10 Story Scrolls.

Call Me Fireman! - Defeat Kaos' Evil minions in the Lava Lakes Railway level with only Gill Grunt's Power Hose.

Can't stop me! - Complete 3 Challenge levels.

Chompy Chopper - Defeat 15 Chompies in the Shattered Island level.

Fashion Elite - Collect 10 Hats.

Get me if you can! - Complete the Crystal Eye Castle level without being hit by any of the rolling barrels.

Gotta buy them all - Purchase all upgrades for any one Skylander.

Magic Time - Complete the Arkeyan Armory level and acquire the elemental source.

Mine Detector - Complete the Troll Warehouse level without getting injured by the landmines.

The Ace Pilot - Defeat 30 enemies while riding the War Machine in the Arkeyan Armory level.

The Spiritual Mentor - Collect 10 Soul Gems.

Treasure-hunter - Collect 10 Legendary Treasures.




Climb to the Top - Level up any one Skylander to level 10.

One for All! - Defeat Kaos without swapping Skylanders during the battle.

Star Chaser - Get 3 stars in any one level.

The Savior - Complete the adventure mode by finishing the game.




True Portal Master - Unlock all other trophies.

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Adult Content - Take an extremely erotic picture.

Best of Friends - Defeat 5 psychopaths in co-op.

BFF - Use the Snapshot skill move on a zombie.

Camera Crazy - Take a picture of a psychopath.

Card Archive - Collect 50 combo cards.

Card Collection - Collect 20 combo cards.

Challenge Addict - Get at least a bronze medal on 10 different single player challenges.

Cramped Quarters - Get 8 survivors into a vehicle.

Dominoes - Use the Jump Kick to knock down 100 zombies.

Drugged Up - Take a dose of Zombrex.

Elite Killer - Kill 1337 zombies. [Host Only]

Frank West: Cross Dresser - Dress up completely in women's clothing.

Full Camera - Fill your camera's memory.

Hands of Doom - Unlock all skill moves.

Help From My Friends - Get at least a bronze medal on 10 different co-op challenges.

I Got a Medal! - Get a medal on a challenge in Sandbox Mode.

Luggage Code - Kill 12,345 zombies. [Host Only]

Maintaining the City - Visit 10 different maintenance rooms.

Making Memories - Take a picture of your co-op partner during co-op play.

Mixed Messages - Take a picture with elements of horror, brutality, outtake and erotica in a single shot.

More Help From My Friends - Get at least a bronze medal on all co-op challenges.

New Hotness - Build one of the combo weapons new to Dead Rising 2: Off The Record.

Nice Shot - Photograph a PP sticker.

No Zombies in the Vents - Unlock the secret shortcut.

Out With the Old - Defeat the motorcycle-riding psychopath. [story Mode Only]

Party Time - Get a survivor drunk.

Photo Journalist - Get back in the game by gaining lots of PP from pictures.

Photo School - Take a high PP value picture.

Powered Up - Restore power to the Yucatan Casino.

Prestigious PP - Get over 2,000 PP from a single zombie kill.

Prom Night - Kill 69 zombies. [Host Only]

Puking Rally - Have a zombie slip in a puddle of vomit.

Purewal Memorial Cup - Don't consume any meat, dairy or alcohol until the military arrives.

Raw Emotion - Take a photo of a survivor in a very dramatic situation.

Safety Check: Failed - Use the amusement park rides to kill 10 zombies at once.

Save the Girl - Rescue a damsel in distress from the Twin Terrors.

Save the Girl... Again - Save the damsel in distress a second time.

Save the Girl... Yet Again - Save a damsel in distress for the third and final time.

Team Player - Avert a mutiny.

Technological Terror - Destroy a 'harvester'.

The Challenge Experience - Get at least a bronze medal on all single player challenges.

Tiger Tamer - Have Snowflake attack and damage a psychopath.

True Colors - Defeat the mastermind of the Fortune City incident.

We Have a Winner! - Play a carney game and win.




Challenge Domination - Get a gold medal on all single player challenges.

Even More Help From My Friends - Get a gold medal on all co-op challenges.

Photo Album - Photograph 25 PP stickers.




Alpha Vs. Omega - Have Denyce attack and damage Sgt Boykin.

Award Winning Photography - Photograph 75 PP stickers.

Six Digits?!? - Kill 100,000 zombies. [Host Only]




DR2:OTR Trophy Master - Acquire all the trophies in Dead Rising 2: Off The Record.

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Beginning Angler - Successfully land a fish.

Beginning Crafter - Successfully craft an item.

Beginning Salvager - Successfully salvage 10 times.

Failed Chef - Fail at cooking one time.

Giant Battler - Defeat 10 giant monsters.

Giant Slayer - Defeat 20 giant monsters.

Insomniac - Stay awake until you collapse at 5AM.

Island Raiser - Use the Plant Golem to raise an island out of the sea.

Jumping for Joy - Perform a double-jump 500 times.

Master Salvager - Successfully salvage 30 times.

Monster Battler - Defeat 100 monsters.

Monster Destroyer - Defeat 1500 monsters.

Monster Masher - Defeat 500 monsters.

Rock Hard Riddle - Get to the bottom of why Sprout Island turned to stone.

Trophies 101 - Listen to Maerwen's explanation about trophies.

Veteran Angler - Successfully land 300 fish.

Veteran Crafter - Successfully craft 300 items.

Veteran Salvager - Successfully salvage 20 times.




Germ Factory - Catch a cold 100 times.

Giant Destroyer - Defeat 30 giant monsters.

Gladiator - Win a battle in the colloseum.

Island Savior - Raise all of the islands out of the sea.

Most Popular - Earn the goodwill of many residents on Fenith Island.

Overmedicated - Consume 100 recovery drinks.

Professional Angler - Successfully land 1000 fish.

Professional Crafter - Successfully craft 800 items.

That Which Monsters Fear - Defeat 3000 monsters.

That Which Monsters Flee - Defeat 5000 monsters.




Master Angler - Successfully land 2000 fish.

Master Crafter - Successfully craft 1500 items.




Rune Factory Master - Earn all trophies.





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Beat the Man to be the man! - Beat Sébastien Loeb in a Single Player - Single Stage match

Buddying Mechanic - Spend a total of 10 minutes in the Car Setting section of the menu

Can't touch me! - Complete a valid Special Stage without any damages. No Respawns or Rewind effects are allowed.

Drive fast or drive home - Reach 225 Km/h (139 mph) on a Special Stage.

El Mariachi - Put down a cactus in Mexico.

Employee of the Month - In 'The Road to the WRC', increase the staff level of efficiency up to 25.

Eternal Return - Use the Rewind effect in any game mode.

Event Planner - Create a Lobby in the 'Create Match' page and start the race.

Ghost Hunters - In Time Attack mode, complete a race against one of the ghosts you have downloaded.

Gravity is for Losers - Perform a jump of at least 2.5 metres (8.2 feet) in height.

Great Scott! - Complete an upgrade research in 'The Road to the WRC'.

Hairpin Addicted - Sa Linea 1 - Drive the first sector in less than 45 secs performing at least 6 secs of drift.

Heads-Up Specialist - Reach level 30 in the Super Special Stage Online Ranking.

Historic Italian Job - In The Road to the WRC, win the Historic Italian Job - Event.

Historic Victory - Complete a Single Player - Single Rally match in first position with a WRC Group B car.

Homo Faber Fortunae Suae - Complete a Special Stage in first position using a Car Settings preset you've created.

I Never Give Up! - In an offline Special Stage with P.Solberg, gain at least 5 positions from one sector to the next.

Know your limits... to pass them! - Win a Single Player - Single Stage match in using the Advanced Driving Style only.

Let it be a lesson to you! - Successfully complete one of the lessons in the WRC Rally School.

New Borns - Reach 30 used manual respawns in the offline statistic page.

No friends in race! - Complete a Hot Seat - Single Rally match against three other players in first position.

No Mercy! - In 'The Road to the WRC', fire 10 co-workers in your Office or Garage.

Player of Age - Reach level 18 in the Hall of Fame Online Ranking.

Power is with you. Always. - Complete a Power Stage in an offline Championship in first position.

Racing Time - Reach 30 cumulative minutes of race in valid Online Matches.

Rolling Rolling...Rawhide - Roll over the car.

Safari Legends - In The Road to the WRC, win the Legends Of Rally Championship - Event.

Show off the style! - In The Road to the WRC, unlock the sponsor Rally Style.

Sinister Appearance - Upload one of your ghosts on the online Leaderboards.

Super Special Duellist - Win 10 Super Special Stages in Online matches.

Take it! - Enter the Photo Mode, take a photo and save it.

Teamwork - In 'The Road to the WRC', increase the team level of development up to 23.

The best thing a man can do... - ...is drive sideways. At least it's the best thing he can do dressed! Slide for 35 metres (115 feet).

Yes, you can! - In an Online lobby, vote for the Special Stage that wins the voting.

Your speed is melting the snow! - Complete a Single Player - Single Rally match in Sweden using Kimi Räikkönen in first position.




Ace of the Race - Successfully complete all the challenges in the WRC Rally School.

Eat dust, bleed gasoline - Reach level 50 in the Hall of Fame Online Ranking.

European Tour - Complete a valid rally in Great Britain, Italy, France, Spain & Portugal in the same Championship.

Horsepower Overload! - In 'The Road to the WRC' get all the upgrades on one of your cars.

Knockout! - In 'The Road to the WRC' complete in first position one of the Super Special Stage tournaments.

The Perfect Storm - Storm all the challenges of the WRC Rally School.

Tireless Boxer - Reach level 50 in the Super Special Stage Online Ranking.

World Tour - Complete a valid rally in Argentina, Australia, Jordan, Mexico & Greece in the same Championship.




Grand Slam - Complete all the events of 'The Road to the WRC' in first position.

The Advent of the New King - In 'The Road to the WRC' complete the WRC Championship in first position.




If in doubt, flat out. - Unlock all Trophies.




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Bazookin' - Kill 6 enemies with the bazooka

Brainbug Fever - Brainbug 30 enemies

Dirigibully - Kill all penguins stationed on the small zeppelin in Chapter 8 (Single Player)

Disgruntled Worker - Find 3 Signs

Door Sentry - Kill 30 Penguins as they step out of a door

Excessive Stacking - Stack all 3 crates near the end of Chapter 11 (Single Player)

Flight Instructor - Juggle an enemy for 10 seconds

For What Reason? - Launch the silo missile

Friendly Transit - Carry the other cooperative player for 500 meters in the same chapter without dying

Hardboiled Seal - Kill 100 penguins or clones

High Treason - Brainbug the penguin above the star in Chapter 6 (Single Player)

Hindenburger - Kill all penguins stationed on the zeppelin in Chapter 3 (Single Player)

Laser Assist - Kill an enemy by knocking him into a laser door

Own Medicine - Kill a helicopter penguin with his own missile

Personal Space - Punch or kick 100 times

Turncoat - Kill 20 enemies while brainbugging

Two Birds One Stone - Kill 2 enemies with one grenade




Big Blimpin' - Kill all penguins stationed on the big zeppelin in Chapter 8 (Single Player)

Hydrogen Run - Escape the large zeppelin with 40 seconds or more on the timer

One Shot One Kill - Kill 10 enemies, each with one gunshot

Own Pharmacy - Kill 6 helicopter penguins with their own missiles

Rebellious Laborer - Find 20 Signs

Too Many Too Soon - Kill 3 enemies with one grenade




Bird Brained - Brainbug at least one penguin from each of the 7 penguin ranks, including Putzki

Dirty Half-Dozen - Complete the Cooperative game mode

Fear the Spur - Kill Brno with the knife

Hardboiled Orca - Kill 300 penguins or clones

Mission Complete - Overthrow Putzki and liberate Albatropolis

Revolutionary Fighter - Find all 45 Signs




Platinum Trophy - Collect all trophies

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A Moment of Reflection - Use only Reflectors to destroy the generators in Phonica Moon's security tunnels.

Cloaker Legend - Kill 15 enemies while using the Cloaker.

Connected - Play an online game. (2P +)

Couch Potato - Play an offline-only game. (2P +)

Doppelbanger Legend - Destroy 30 enemies while they're distracted by the Doppelbanger.

Eight Seconds - Kill eight enemies in eight seconds using the Darkstar Fission Tether with two or more teammates.

El Matador - No one gets hit by a grove beetle in the Deadgrove.

Fine, But You're Cleaning Up After Them - Get 10 critters on screen at once.

Friendship through Firepower - Buy your first weapon.

It Was Like That When We Got Here - Destroy all of the towers in Gorthon Crater.

Keep the Meter Running - Don't let the air taxi take damage in Luminopolis.

Knockout Artist - Kill three enemies with one attack using the Blitzer.

Life Support - Revive a teammate with one second left on their timer. (2P +)

Melee Legend - Kill 150 enemies with melee.

Mission Improbable - Get through the laser walls at the end of Uzo City in 45 seconds.

Night Lights are for Wimps - Get through Rossa Fields without using any of the energy repositories.

Old-School - Play a single-player game.

Overload Legend - Use the Co-op overload to kill 60 enemies.

Pyromancer - Barbecue four enemies at the same time using the Pyro Blaster.

Q-Force Legend - Kill 50 enemies in a row using melee without taking damage.

Quantum Deflector Legend - Absorb 500 shots with the Quantum Deflector.

Quick Killer - Kill eight enemies in two seconds.

The Mad Plasmabomber - Kill eight enemies with one shot.

Vac-U Legend - Kill 50 enemies with the Vac-U 4000.

Waiting Room - Reach the lobby. (2P +)

Zoni Legend - Kill 15 enemies that have been slowed down by the Zoni Blaster.

Zurkon the Legend - Kill 100 enemies with Mr. Zurkon out.




Bomb Disposal - Blow up 85% of the exploding crates in Aldaros Plains.

Galactic Hero - Kill 500 enemies.

On Some Planets They're a Delicacy - Shoot all of the slorgs back into the waters of Octonok Cay.

The Bolt Banker - Have 100,000 bolts banked.

Tricked Out - Fully upgrade one weapon.

Upping your Arsenal - Buy half of the weapons.




For the Zombie Apocalypse - Buy all of the weapons.

The First Million is Always the Hardest - Have 1,000,000 bolts banked.

Upgraded - Fully upgrade all weapons.




Mittagessen geh:)

Bearbeitet von Scheich
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  • Beiträge

    • Ja, so ist das eben. Ist aber ingesamt noch wenig bedenklich, und vorerst kein Grund zur Sorge.
    • Sorgen mach ich mir um einen großen Tech-Konzern garantiert nicht. Spielt doch keine Rolle ob die auf Rekord Niveau waren, aus welchen Gründen auch immer, aber das nach unten korrigieren schmeckt keinem Vorstand oder Aktionär. Die Entlassungen und Studio Schließungen sind nicht grundlos passiert. 
    • The Fall Guy Info: Nach dem Abspann kommt noch eine klasse Szene.   Ich hatte nach dem Film so ein fettes Grinsen im Gesicht. Von Anfang bis Ende hat mir persönlich der Film einfach nur richtig Hammer gefallen. Ich wurde mal so richtig geil unterhalten. Dann noch der ganze Hammer Soundtrack und die Kultsongs, herrlich. Dann noch der coole Humor, wo ich teilweise richtig gut gelacht habe. Der Hund dort unter anderen war ja mal der absolute Burner und ich sage nur Einhorn.
    • Die Verkäufe waren ja stellenweise auch auf Rekord-Niveau! Und mit 4.5 Millionen im letzten Quartal muss man sich da keine Sorgen machen.
    • Ja natürlich wird es irgendwann soweit sein^^..Aber die Frage stellt sich halt warum man für eine bloße Neuankündigung solange braucht?...Da kann man eben nur zu dem Entschluss kommen das dann was schief gelaufen ist, man vom GaaS-Ansatz wieder abgeschwenkt ist oder oder oder....Ich meine wenn bei nahezu allen Studios die letzten projekte 3,4 oder gar 5 Jahre zurückliegen und wir imme noch nichts wissen ist das halt schon extrem...Geht ja auch um die AUssendarstellung, auch ums Presige, um die Virmachtstellung etc...Und dann kommen unwiderruflich halt solche Kommentare wie PS has no games, es verauft sich nur der Name, Sony bringt nur Deals, sie haben es nicht mehr drauf, sie bringen keine 1st Parties etc...
  • Neu erstellen...