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The Asod/13 Mortal Kombat IX 2011 Cup! (EU Registrations OPEN!)


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The Asod/13 Mortal Kombat IX 2011 Cup! (EU Registrations OPEN!)


Welcome one, welcome ALL to The Asod/13 Mortal Kombat IX 2011 Cup, a 1v1 tourney hosted by both I and my friend, Thirteenthorder. In this tourney, you will have the chance to compete against your fellow users in Mortal Kombat. But only ONE will be the Champion!


(NOTE: To participate in this version of The Asod/13 Mortal Kombat IX 2011 Cup, you must be a European resident)





In order to participate in the Asod/13 MKIX 2011 Cup, please fill out the following form and either post it or send a Personal Message to either I or Thirteenthorder:


Name (Your God-given name):


PlayStation Network ID:





I. If you win with a character, you must pick that character for the following round. (EXAMPLE: I pick Smoke and defeat my opponent. The next fight I play, I MUST pick Smoke.)


II. The following Stages are BANNED: Subway, Kratos' Stage


III. If the 50% or 25% Health Kombat Kode is inputted accidentally, the match will be restarted


IV. Superficial Kombat Kodes (Such as Zombie Mode and Rainbow Kombat) are permitted


V. Skarlet is BANNED. This is due to reports of her glitching various aspects of gameplay and freezing consoles, which compromises the integrity of the matches. It's better to not take any chances.


VI. Once the match is over, results are to be reported in the designated thread IMMEDIATELY


VII. Matches are considered over when either player wins 3/5 matches (4/7 for the semi-finals and 5/9 for the finals)


VIII. If there is any discrepancy in the winning of the matches, contact either myself or Thirteenthorder. If you would like either of us to supervise a match just to be sure, you can also contact us.


IX. The use of ANY glitch or infinite that benefits either player will result in INSTANT DISQUALIFICATION.





It has been decided that prizes will be awarded to the Champion and Runner Up. Exactly WHAT these prizes are, however, are a mystery. We can promise that the prizes will be quite satisfying and are something everyone would like to win, so play for keeps!





You can contact either I or Thirteenthorder using the PM System at the forums. Additionally, you may also contact us using the below E-Mail Addresses:


Thirteenthorder: CalebJamesThompson@gmail.com


Asodimazze: Asodimazze@live.it





Good Luck and Have Fun! We look forward to seeing the results of this tourney! Thirteenthorder and I have worked hard to make this as fun and engaging for all participants as possible.





Additionally, for those of you in NA, Thirteenthorder will be running the NA version of this tourney, featuring a second Champion and Runner Up along with respective and identical prizes. Please check it out if you're a resident of NA!


In the future we will also be organizing a Tag Tourney, which is bound to be loads of fun. Be on the look out for it.




Man sagte mir ich soll mal etwas die Werbetrommel rühren.


Also wer interesse hat bitte melden, er wird dann dem Lineup hinzugefügt.

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