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Atelier Mereru: The Apprentice of Arland


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All Trophies Earned - Obtain all trophies.




Versteckte Trophäen




Admission Ceremony - Reach the initial goal and help Arls merge with Arland.

Atelier Totori (Current) - Hear the stories of Miss Totori and her friends.

Brothers Together -Witness Lias bask in the glow of Rufus's approval.

Certain Sisters - Take a peek at Filly and Esty's intimate sisterhood.

Changing the Past - Bring closure to the tragedy of Arls.

Closer to God - Stare into the abyss and win out against the evil goddess.

Drunkard Legend EX - Suffer the indignity of a drunk's advances at the tavern.

End of the Duel - Encounter a master-pupil showdown between Sterk and Gino.

Friendship, Love - Help Totori and Mimi get along.

Girl's Bath - Visit the hot spring with a group of all girls.

God of the Forest - Put the energetic spirit of the tree into an eternal slumber.

How Do I Look...? - Force Keina to wear some princessly clothes.

Look into the Past - Glimpse Gio lost in thought at the fort.

Masked Man Reappears - Run into Arland's manly masked crusader.

Ominous Box - Battle the coffin-bound monster in the mine and emerge victorious.

One from the Sky - Ascend to the ancient city and cast down the ruler of the sky.

One Normal Day - Let Keina help you change at the workshop.

Pie Shop Opens - Construct a Pie Shop and visit with Rorona.

Presence of the Flame - Subdue the Volcano Incarnate.

Resemblance - Find Rufus and Sterk getting along at the tavern.

Rorona Introduction - Watch as a legendary alchemist and her troupe visit the workshop.

Secret Tea Party - Stumble upon Rufus's solitary tea time.

Stars Never Change - Gaze at a starry night sky with Keina and reminisce about the past.

Waterside Encounter - Discover Hanna as she bathes.




A Rich Nation - Make Arls rich, developing it into an agricultural powerhouse.

Boy's Bath - Transform Arls into a grand vacation paradise.

Castle Life - Return to your boring life in the castle.

Finally, As Planned - Make friends with the forever-14 Rorolina Frixell.

Now, Go Bravely - Arm Arls to the teeth and take command of it all.




Alchemist! - Become an alchemist of Arland and open Atelier Meruru.

Meruru Statue Complete! - Construct a statue of Meruru to mark your achievements.

Miss Popular - Gain popularity with everyone.

Strongest Princess - Become a hero and the land's strongest princess.

Topsy-Turvy - Take Arls's population to the limit and turn it into a superpower.

Witch's Tea Party - Master alchemy and together become feared as the Four Witches.

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