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Mobile Suit Gundam Battlefield Record U.C.0081


Empfohlene Beiträge



Story Mode : Federation Completed - All Federation stories have been completed. (Any difficulty level)

Story Mode : Zeon Completed - All Zeon stories have been completed. (Any difficulty level)

Free Mission : 100 Missions Completed - 100 Free Missions have been completed. (Any difficulty level)

First Mission Completed - First Mission has been completed. (Any difficulty level)

Play time exceeds 30 hrs. - Total play time exceeds 30 hrs.

Prize Collector - Acquire 500 mission clear prizes.

Firearm Collector - Acquire all firearms.

Combat Weapon Collector - Acquire all combat weapons.

Shield Collector - Acquire all shields.

Complete Mobile Suit - Acquire all Mobile Suits.

Million Mark - “”Achieve score of 1,000,000.”"

Star Pliot - Pilot level 50.

Combat Skill 99 - Achieve Combat Skill of 99.

Firing Skill 99 - Achieve Firing skill of 99.

Defense Skill 99 - Achieve Defense Skill of 99.

Pilot skill 99 - Achieve Pilot Skill of 99.

1000 Shot down - Shoot down 1000 enemies.

Star Platoon - Clear 50 missions in Co-op Mode.

First Team Battle Victory - Win a Team Battle.

First Battle Royal Victory - Win a Battle Royal.

Team Battle: 50 enemies shot down. - Defeat 50 enemies in Team Battle.

Battle Royal: 50 enemies shot down. - Defeat 50 enemies in Battle Royal.




Story Mode : Federation Completed with HARD - All Federation stories have been completed on HARD.

Story Mode : Zeon Completed with HARD - All Zeon stories have been completed on HARD.

Free Mission : 500 Missions Completed - 500 Free Missions have been completed. (Any difficulty level)

Parts Collector - Acquire all parts.

Ace Pilot - Pilot level 100.

5000 Shot down - Shoot down 5000 enemies.

Ace Platoon - Clears 200 missions in Co-op Mode.

50 Team Battle Victories - Win 50 Team Battles.

50 Battle Royal Winners - Win 50 Battle Royals.

Team Battle: 100 enemies shot down. - Defeat 100 enemies in Team Battle.

Battle Royal: 50 enemies shot down. - Defeat 100 enemies in Battle Royal.




All Missions Completed - All Story Mode Missions and Free Missions have been completed. (Any difficulty level)

New Type - Pilot level 200.

New Type Platoon - Clears 500 missions in Co-op Mode.




All Trophies Completed - All Trophies have been acquired.




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