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Akimi Village


Empfohlene Beiträge



Good Samaritan - Purify the first set of Akimi

Radiant - Plant your first radiant tree

Department of Forestry - Plant 5 radiant trees in one game

Land Reclamation Project - Remove 1 ton of Debris

Akimi Liberator - Rescue 40 Akimi in one game

Philanthropist - Send 300 resources

Refined - Refine 500 Resources

Walkabout - The name says it all

One Man Moving Crew - Keep carrying things around




Full Set - Have every building and component in one game

Johnny Appleseed - Plant 10 Radiant Trees in one game

Grand Dragon Gate - Build the Grand Dragon Gate




The Old Fashioned Way - Purify the entire island before building the Dragon Gate or Grand Dragon Gate

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