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Sound Shapes


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Beat School: A Rolling Frolic - Complete the Beat School level.

Beat School: Chord Tweak - Complete the Beat School level.

Beat School: Chordaby - Complete the Beat School level.

Beat School: Cuts, Scrapes and Scratches - Complete the Beat School level.

Beat School: Hi-Hat Spice (not very spicy) - Complete the Beat School level.

Beat School: It's Getting Tense In Here - Complete the Beat School level.

Beat School: Lullaby - Complete the Beat School level.

Beat School: Muting Technique - Complete the Beat School level.

Beat School: Roll The Bass Dice - Complete the Beat School level.

Beat School: Straight Up - Complete the Beat School level.

Beat School: Tiny Groove - Complete the Beat School level.

Beat School: Uh Oh - Complete the Beat School level.

Death Mode: Aquatica - Complete the Death Mode level.

Death Mode: Break-a-noids - Complete the Death Mode level.

Death Mode: Cities - Complete the Death Mode level.

Death Mode: Disasteroids - Complete the Death Mode level.

Death Mode: Event Horizon #1 - Complete the Death Mode level.

Death Mode: Event Horizon #2 - Complete the Death Mode level.

Death Mode: Extraterrestria - Complete the Death Mode level.

Death Mode: Galaxanoids - Complete the Death Mode level.

Death Mode: Hills n' Spills - Complete the Death Mode level.

Death Mode: Invaderoids - Complete the Death Mode level.

Death Mode: Mechanica - Complete the Death Mode level.

Death Mode: Purgatory #1 - Complete the Death Mode level.

Death Mode: Purgatory #2 - Complete the Death Mode level.

Death Mode: Rowdy Cloudy - Complete the Death Mode level.

Death Mode: Sneak n' Deke - Complete the Death Mode level.

Death Mode: Sparkle Darkle - Complete the Death Mode level.

Death Mode: Spiral Staircase - Complete the Death Mode level.

Death Mode: Thermogenica #1 - Complete the Death Mode level.

Death Mode: Thermogenica #2 - Complete the Death Mode level.

Death Mode: Touch The People - Complete the Death Mode level.




Campaign Complete - Complete all Campaign levels.




You've Gone Platinum - Complete all Death Mode and Beat School levels.

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