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endlich uncharchet demo im us store


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Glaube auch nicht, dass es so schnell gehen wird.


Allerdings habe ich auch keinerlei Vorstellung was für ein Aufwand es sein wird

dieses Problem zu fixen.


Hoffen wir einfach das es schnell geht ;-)



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so wie es aussieht ist es doch eine art regional code


Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune Demo Update


+ Posted by Sam Thompson // Line Producer, SCEA

Hi, since I’m new to the blog I wanted to first introduce myself. I am the line producer on Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune and I work with Naughty Dog on a day-to-day basis and have been working with the team since Crash Team Racing.

We are pleased to see that there is so much interest out there in the Uncharted demo, and wanted to provide a quick update.

As many of you in Europe and Japan may have already learned, today’s demo is currently only available on the North American PlayStation Store, and will only work on PS3 units in that territory. As you may already know, North America is the first region to launch Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune (Monday, November 19th), and we wanted to be sure that we gave our North American PS3 players the opportunity to try out the demo prior to launch. Other territories are currently putting the finishing touches on the localization aspects of the Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune demo, and will release it in their respective PlayStation Stores in due course.

Unfortunately when attempting to download the demo, our friends in PAL regions or Japan may have encountered a bug in which you are asked to insert a disc. Please ignore this prompt and accept our apologies.

Thanks again for your interest in the game, we hope that those of you who do get a chance to play it get a taste for what we hope will become an action-adventure classic on the PS3.




Quelle : PlayStation.Blog » Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune Demo Update

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Ich weiß noch nicht ob es hammer is, kenn die Demo nämlich nich :D :D :D


Ach daher Bug, ich hatte die janze Zeit COD4 im Laufwerk. Jetzt wo die Disc von

COD4 raus ist, ich die Demo starte kommt "Please insert the game disc."


Aje aje, da haben se ja echt scheiße gebaut.

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