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Hyberdimension Neptune


Empfohlene Beiträge


Neptune Start - New game started

Combo Making - Created an original combo

Item Making - Synthesized item used in battle

Shopping - Purchased items

News - Gathered information led you to find and clear a quest

Medieval Fantasy - Arrived in LEANBOX

Steam Punk - Arrived in LASTATION

Marchen - Arrived in LOWEE

Future Fantasy - Returned to PLANEPTUNE

Dress Up - Accessory changed

OVER CLOCK - Processor unit changed

Teamwork - Battle formation changed

Hard Battle - Fought in Patron godess form during battle

Nippon Ichi - Nippon Ichi joined your group

GUST - GUST joined your group




Scenario Completion - Scenarion cleared

Multi-Platform - Walked through the entire map




Speed Searcher - Completed all the time attack in S-Class

History Document Histoire - Obtained all histoire


27 x ???? (incl.Platin Trophy)

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