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Empfohlene Beiträge



First Captain - Complete 50% of the secondary objectives from the Campaign.

Competitor - Complete an operation

Achiever - Complete all operations' bonus objectives

Recruit - Defeat an A.I. in battle mode

Trooper - Defeat an A.I. in battle mode on Medium difficulty and in all time periods (39/42/45)

Parasite - Capture 50 buildings

Ambassador - Defeat an A.I. in battle mode while playing each nation

Collector - Defeat all A.I. profiles in 1v1 battles at least in Medium difficulty

Cunning - Use all RUSEs

Destroyer - Destroy 5000 enemy units

Regular - Got to level 20

Veteran - Reach the Veteran league.

Elite - Reach the Elite league.

Eug-virus - Defeat one of Eugen Systems' team of someone having already unlocked this trophy

Best Enemies - Play a four-player game with your friends only[/b]

Atlas - Play a game on every map in a ranked match

Got Your Back! - Play a game with a friend in the same team

Occaisional Allies - Play a game with a stranger in team ranked match

Battle Hardened - Achieve a victory in every ranked match mode

One Hand behind My Back - Defeat an opponent without using the airfield and armor and artillery base camps in a ranked match

Top Gun - Defeat an opponent with air units only in a ranked match

Invincible - Achieve a 90% or more survival ratio in a ranked match

Who's Your Daddy? - Achieve a 200% or more kill rate in a ranked match




Hard Boiled - Complete all the secondary objectives from the Campaign.

Best Friend - Complete all cooperative operations

One vs. All - Complete all 1 vs. all operations

Nemesis - Complete all 1 vs. 1 operations

Staff Officer - Complete all operations

Ace - Defeat an A.I. in battle mode on Hard difficulty level with Total victory

Mercenary - Win 5 games with every nation in ranked matches

The Terrible - Achieve a winning streak of 3 in ranked matches

The Great - Achieve a winning streak of 10 in ranked matches




War God - Got to level 100


18x???? (incl. Platin)

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  • Beiträge

    • Hallo zusammen, der Thread ist kein joke: Ich bin bereits in Sammlerstufe 31, benötige jedoch 35 um das 5. Wochen-Event fahren zu können. Allerdings habe ich mir bisher nir Gedanken darum gemacht, wie die Stufe aufsteigt, das ist einfach nebenbei geschehen.   Nun geht es es jedoch überhaupt nicht mehr weiter, egal welches Rennen ich fahre. Daher die Frage: Wie erhalte ich Punke für die Sammlerstufe? Was muss ich genau fahren um weiter zu kommen?   Danke im Voraus.
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