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Carnival Island


Empfohlene Beiträge



Any Way - Play one Party Time multiplayer game.

Bird Watcher - Wake up all Bird Pets.

Extinction Distinction - Wake up all Extinct and Mythological Pets.

Funky Trunks - Wake up the Baby Mammoth and the Elephant.

Magic Mirror - Magic Mirror completely unlocked!

Midway Tour - Play each of the seven basic Carnival games.

My Way - Play one Pick and Play multiplayer game.

Restoration - First Carnival building fully restored!

Seaside Set - Wake up the Goldfish, the Jellyfish and the Lake Monster.

Up And Comer - First challenge complete!




Animal Friend - All pets woken up!

Boardwalk Reopened! - All buildings reopened in Boardwalk!

Chotchkies! - All souvenirs won!

Every Way - Play one of every multiplayer game.

Ferris Park Reopened! - All buildings reopened in Ferris Park!

Gossip Hound - Listen to all the gossip Granny and the Carnies know.

Pass It - Play 10 pass-the-motion controller multiplayer games.

Shell Beach Reopened! - All buildings reopened in Shell Beach!

Side-By-Side - Play 10 Side-by-Side multiplayer games.

Tree House Way Reopened! - All buildings reopened in Tree House Way!




Carnival Master - All Trophies Won!




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  • Beiträge

    • Das, war halt neu das Update für die PS4 Version. Ich hab halt diese Plus-Version und werd wohl auf das Update warten.  Das so ein Fehler wirklich auftreten kann… so ganz unbeabsichtigt? Gibts da keine Tests vorab?    Naja. Nicht schlimm. Bin stattdessen mit Dave tauchen gegangen. ^^ 
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