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Das Duell - Männer vs. Frauen: Partyspaß Total!


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Beefcake - Swing that hammer of yours and ring the bell, once, twice, three times in a game of "High Striker".

Cleaning Obsession - Wipe the floor with the competition and tally up at least 800 points in "Wiping the Floor".

Exterminator - Bug out and score at least 1500 points in "Exterminator".

Furious Hands - Get all the good deals - grab at least 25 correct items and no wrong ones in a round of "Summer Sale".

Globetrotter - Show off your "Suitcase Packing" skills and pack at least 25 correct items and no wrong ones.

Mannequin - Strut your stuff on the "Catwalk" 5 times - and make sure you're perfect every time.

Novice Quizzer - Think hard and get more than 50% of the questions right in a short single-player "Quiz".

Nursery Pro - Rock the "Baby's Cradle" and rack up at least 1800 points.

Paint Job - Finish your "Manicure" in just three turns by finding all the right colours.

Player - Dial your dream date 4 times or more in a game of "Memorization".

Staying Strong - Dry your eyes, don't get caught crying and score at least 500 points in "Movie Theater".




200 from 5 - Rack up 200 points in a single game of "Darts".

Brazilian Blood - Keep goal like a brick wall and turn in a perfect result in "Penalty".

Burger Master - Throw a "Barbecue" and grill up 10 perfect burgers.

Choppin' Duet - Saw through a trunk completely in 70 seconds or less in "Lumberjack".

Dancing Queens - Tear up the dance floor and turn in a perfect double performance in "Dancing".

Do-It-Yourself - Paste up 10 pieces of wallpaper in a single round of "Wallpaper Decorating".

Intermediate Quizzer - Think hard and get more than 50% of the questions right in an intermediate single-player "Quiz".

Manic Mechanics - If "Changing Tires" only takes you 50 seconds, you're a master of the monkey wrench.

Master of the Glasses - Quench your thirst with by drinking 25 glasses during a single "Bar Crawl".

Navigator - Reach the finish in "Orientation" in 70 seconds.

Smooth As Silk - Shave your leg silky smooth in 35 seconds or less in "Shaving".

Sniper - Ready, aim, fire: pee your way to at least 1300 points in "Peeing".

Strong Nerves - If you can truly do it all, then you can score at least 1200 points in "Multitasking".

Trash Collector - Drop at least 6 damaged items into an opponent's basket during a "Bargain Hunt".

Without A Scratch - Park your car without so much as scratching the paint in 12 seconds or less.




301 - Get lucky or get serious and get 301 points with nine throws in "Darts 301".

Emancipation - Just win "Bar Crawl", "Parking" and "Peeing" with a female character.

Expert Quizzer - Think hard and get more than 50% of the questions right in a long single-player "Quiz".

Metrosexual - Just win "Manicure", "Catwalk" and "Dancing" with a male character.




Socially Accepted - Win all the Trophies.

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