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PSVita: Ecolibrium


Empfohlene Beiträge



Engineer - Add 10 artefacts.

Farmer - Add 10 creatures.

Gardener - Add 10 plants or fungi.

Leader of the pack - Achieve 5 alpha creatures in a single ecosystem.

Shopkeeper - Exchange 20 creatures or artefacts in the auction.

Step by step - Complete all the tutorials.

Variety is the spice of life - Achieve a biodiversity of level 8.




Against wind and tide - Complete ecosystem challenges 1, 2 and 3.

Collector - Obtain 20 different tokens.

Coloniser - Colonise 3 ecosystems in free mode.

Tough guy - Create a level-10 alpha creature.




Competitive spirit - Finish among the top 100 in an online challenge.

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