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trophy bug oder was ist das


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Hmm. Ich find aber auch nicht wirklich was über ne Änderung der Gewichtung der Trophys im Changelog der 3.0.

da steht nur:

• Trophies – Showcasing your hard earned trophies just got better.

Update 3.00 gives game developers the ability to modify how they

display trophies for add-on content. Base and add-on game trophies

will continue to be combined into a single list so you can see

where you stand in a game as a whole. Within that list, trophies

will be broken out into subcategories—base trophies

and add-on trophies—that way, you can easily view the

percentage of your base game trophy collection, and separately

track your trophy progress in add-on packs. Look for this

enhancement to be included in upcoming games.

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