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Far Cry 2 (english)


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Far Cry 2 has left the tropical island and is now in Africa. In Africa you have a 50km2 open world, that´s bigger than in Oblivion, so the beginning words at the public presentation at DreamHack.


I´ve seen over 60 minutes playing time of Farc Cry 2 and i really know now: This game is a must have title!

In Far Cry 2 you have a 24h weather cycle, 1 minute in the game is 5 minutesin real time and you can use this weather cycle for the missions, cause if you want to start a mission at night, so you can. The enemies interact with the weather perfectly, so they see less at night and are more concentrated.

As said you have an open world, you can interact with people in Far Cry 2, you can decide if you make a mission or not. Also you can recruit other people for your missions and you can buy new items or weapons.

Grafical is Far Cry 2 really fantastic and the area is highly destructible. The full 50km2 is without any loadings, so you can run from a to B without loading. The bushes, trees and other would burn out if you burn it with the flamthrower, houses and buildings are destructible, cars,... It´s a pretty realistic gameplay. Africa is dirty, so your weapon could jam, AK less as other one...


Maybe you remember on Far Cry 1: It was beautiful to see, it was a great map editor but it wasn´t easy to play and it was very linear.

In Far Cry 2 you have a map editor too. But for that, you can watch the demo presentation:

YouTube - Far Cry 2 Map Editor

All in all, Far Cry 2 is a perfectly game and everyone should watch it at least once! :)


Here is the official video from DreamHack (24min):


Finally here is a comparison between Far Cry and Far Cry 2


Playable character:


Far Cry: 1

Far Cry 2: 9




Far Cry: linear

Far Cry 2: open world with 50km2


24h day-night cycle:


Far Cry: no

Far Cry 2: yes


Map Editor:


Far Cry: yes

Far Cry 2: yes


Destructible parts:


Far Cry: cars

Far Cry 2: cars, buildings, trees, bushes,... no limit?!


Far Cry 2 comes for XBOX 360, Playstation 3 and PC


Thanks, White Midnight

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Das ganze hört sich sehr interessant an =) .... vorallem der Map Editor is ja mal eine sehr gute Idee :ok: Davon wüsste ich ja bis ejtzt noch garnichts.




Ähm, ich hoffe, ich musste jetz nit in Englisch zurckschreiben ^^, sonst sag Bescheid White Midnight, dann gibts EDIT ^^° ......

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All right, than I have to revive my old school english xDDD


I love the map editor, it's amazing. Just a great idea to put in more opportunities for the gamers.

I remember the map editor in Stronghold (maybe someone know the game), and I always sat in front of my PC and created new maps ^^.

A real good feature.


And the grafic looks awesome too - especially the sunset, the landscape and the details in every tree, bush and the water.


Maybe, I'm going to buy this game, although I'm not a friend of shooters. We'll see ...... ^^



So, mein Englischlehrer würde mich dafür wahrscheinlich abmurksen xDDD

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Better you go to bed and find sleep before your brain produce more from this mindless arguments. ;) (I love word games)


It´s the first test of an english thread in this board and if you are against advancement, you should better post in the off topic threads or board games... :naughty:


And this thread is about Far Cry 2, a lot of informations about the game are in this thread, what you highly find useless. :naughty:


back to topic

Bearbeitet von Wangan_Cruiser
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Your English is perfect, really amazing ;) .....


And this thread is about Far Cry 2, a lot of informations about the game are in this thread, what you highly find useless. :naughty:



Of course, if you're able to read them :tongue2: .....


I've seen the offical video for Far Cry 2, and in some kind of way, it reminds me of Call od Duty, because of the ego-shooter perspectiv ^^ ... only within another territory, of course ;) ....


Do you know, if there are any female characters to choose :unschuldig: ???? ^^


By the way, an english thread is cool, so nobody can say, gamers have no education ;)

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By the way, an english thread is cool, so nobody can say, gamers have no education ;)


Yap, that´s so right! ;)


Right now, i can´t say what for character models are in the game included, but i will investigate even now! ;)




I can´t say it definitely but it seems that 3 female characters are in the game included but not playable. Looks bad for a female playable character but hey, who know´s what for characters you can play in the multiplayer part... ;)

In Far Cry 1 you have had the option to tinker your own character. :)


update 2:


Latest news i got is that it's not possible, in a big game like Far Cry 2 is, to bring a demo in the store. For myself it's not important, cause this game is a must have title. :)

Bearbeitet von Wangan_Cruiser
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