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Blast Factor

Gast Trooper_D5X

Empfohlene Beiträge

  • 2 Wochen später...
oder der patch kommt garnicht!


Also ich kann mehr oder weniger bestätigen, dass es einen Trophy-Patch für Blast Factor geben wird. Ich stehe in relativ regelmäßigen Kontakt mit einem Mitarbeiter von BluePoint. Von diesem erhielt ich mehrere Emails, bzgl. des Patches. Diese Emails (folgende vom 7.12.08) will ich euch nicht vorenthalten:


Hi Timm, thank you for your email. Let me begin by assuring you that we very much appreciate our European customers, and that our two top programmers are themselves from Europe.


To answer your questions: There is a European trophy patch, we had been told by Sony that it would be released last week (clearly it was not), and we do not know why it has not been released in Europe yet. I know that Sony will release the patch in Europe, I just don't have any information as to when. I assume that it will be soon.


I will let you know more information once I have it, but rest assured that you will get the patch (hopefully soon). Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience this has caused you.



Am 16.12.08 erhielt ich eine weitere Email von diesem Mitarbeiter:


Hi Timm,


The only thing I've heard from Sony is that the patch will be released soon. In all fairness to SCEE there are many issues that crop up with the release of a new patch and they generally do a good job of resolving these in an efficient manner. I'm really not sure what is causing the delay, but I'm confident that SCEE is working hard to see that the patch is released. I wish I had more information to share with you.



Vielleicht beruhigen euch diese Sätze ja ein wenig... Der High Velocity Bowling Patch ist ja auch noch erschienen. Zwar (zu) spät, aber besser als nie!


Beste Grüße!

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