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FIFA Street


Empfohlene Beiträge



Are we there yet? - Reach the World Tour map screen for the first time

Challenge the pros - Win a street challenge against an authentic club team in stage 4 of world tour

Friendly Publicity - Watch a video posted by one of your Friends

Geometry was good for something - Score a goal by deflecting the ball off a wall

Got any Nutmeg? - Panna your first Opponent

Local Heroes - Win the final national tournament with at least 8 created players on your team

Making new Friends - Add a new Friend using the Friend Recommendation feature

New Champion - Win a World Tour Tournament for the first time

Online-Enthusiast - Win a game of 5 a side, 6 a side and Futsal online

Regional Street Champion - Win stage 1 of World Tour

Shopping Spree - Wear an Unlocked item in any game mode

Time to Celebrate - Unlock a created player celebration and perform it in game

Ultimate Humiliation - Score a goal with a Panna

Video Proof - Upload a saved video

Watching Film - Watch a gameplay tutorial video

Who brought the snacks? - Win a tournament with a local Co-Op player




Attributed Success - Upgrade one of your created players attributes to Max

Career Milestone - Score 100 goals with your created player in any game modes

European Champion - Win stage 3 of World Tour

It's Tricky - Unlock 10 tricks on a created player

Mighty Heroes - Have a team with at least 8 created players that are level 50 or higher

Mister Entertainment - Earn 100,000 Style Points with your created player in any game mode

Moving on up - In a street season obtain promotion to the next division

National Street Champion - Win stage 2 of World Tour

Online Cup Champion - Win any Online Cup

Rush Keepers! - Score a goal while controlling your Goal Keeper

Sightseer - In any game mode win a match/event in 50% of the venues

Street Legend - Defeat Messi in a street challenge game

Very Entertaining - Earn at least 1500 Style Points without losing possession

World Tour Around the World - Win any World Tour tournament Online




5 Tool Player - Upgrade 5 attributes on a created player to maximum

Globetrotter - In any game mode win a match/event in every venue

Online Dominance - Win all 9 online cups

World Grand Champion - Win stage 4 of World Tour




Total Street Domination - Collect all FIFA Street Trophies

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  • Beiträge

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