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DISGAEA 3 - Absence of Justice


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ich habe teil 1 gespilt zum schlaplachen leider nur ales in eng text.

das spiel kann mann mit ff taktik vergleichen

leider zient bei teil 1 der schwrigkeit am ende sehr stark an.


ps es bekommt trophy patch:ok:


Bronze Trophy world uninterrupted clear Items The world from a floor 100 trophy items when they jumped?KE?KETA floor without interruption. "Ino hsien" Bronze Trophy defeat The world?item appears in the world "Ino hsien" and can knock out a trophy. "Unidentified flying object?" Bronze Trophy defeat The world?item appears in the world of "unidentified flying object?" And I can knock out a trophy. "The world?Eli Eli" Bronze Trophy defeat The world?item appears in the world "The world?Eli Eli" and can knock out a trophy. "The world?DONADONA" Bronze Trophy defeat The world?item appears in the world "The world?DONADONA" and can knock out a trophy. "The seven gods of good fortune?world" Bronze Trophy defeat

Did a quick translation the trophy list, here's an idea of what to expect. Trophies for defeating every set of pirates in the item world. 2 trophies for completing completing the item world floor 1 - 100 without leaving. (once for normal item world once for land of carnage) Trophy for playing the game for 10 hours straight. Trophy for executing a counter-counter-counter-counter-counter-counter-counter-counter-counter. Trophies for 1,000,000; 100,000,000; and 10,000,000,000 billion damage. Trophy for collecting all treasure boxes during reverse pirating. Trophy for collecting all innocents during reverse pirating. Trophy for collecting everything (innocents, boxes, level spheres) during reverse pirating. Trophy for talking to the cat god at the top of the tower in the item world

Trophy for getting all treasures in the treasure room in the item world. 2 Trophies for completing a geo planel puzzle with at least a 5 chain and a 10 chain. Trophy for getting hit by ABC gum. Trophy for hitting a unit with a 10 combo. Trophy for jumping 100 times in the base. Trophy for doing a 10 unit high tower attack. Trophy for finding Axel in the item world. Trophy for winning a homeroom vote with brute force. Trophy for capturing an enemy unit. Trophy for magichanging 5 times during 1 battle. Trophy for finding the trophy room in the item world. Trophy for 255 consecutive hits? (not sure if this is 100% correct)

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Man möchte es nicht glauben aber, SO EINEN THREAD GIBT ES SCHON!!!




Ist nicht wahr!




Hier! => KLICK!






Die japanische Version wurde gepatcht und hat nun Trophies. Ob die EU und US Versionen gepatcht werden, sehen wir dann.

Bearbeitet von MUiTiNi_
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