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bei mir in der PS freundesliste wurde schon jemand der ACCOUNT von seitens PS für gute 30.tage gesperrt!!!


wie und was der da genau gemacht hat???

keine ahnung


das ist mitlerweile eine gänige massnahme von sony.

ich hoffe das diese massnahmen in zukunft auch weiter ausgebaut werden und öfters eingesetzt werden.

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das ist mitlerweile eine gänige massnahme von sony.

ich hoffe das diese massnahmen in zukunft auch weiter ausgebaut werden und öfters eingesetzt werden.

Sony announced that players who download games from PlayStation's online shop can share them on up to five other PS3 machines. If a player logs into his PlayStation 3 account on a friend's system, he can download any game he has already purchased. "You can send that content to four other friends for that initial investment," said Tretton. "We want to get the game in as many hands as possible."

"It's not about generating profits at each and every interaction with the consumer," he said. "I think that really offsets the argument that says, 'Wow, that's a really pricey system.'"

Quelle: Sony's Online Free-for-All

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Sony announced that players who download games from PlayStation's online shop can share them on up to five other PS3 machines. If a player logs into his PlayStation 3 account on a friend's system, he can download any game he has already purchased. "You can send that content to four other friends for that initial investment," said Tretton. "We want to get the game in as many hands as possible."

"It's not about generating profits at each and every interaction with the consumer," he said. "I think that really offsets the argument that says, 'Wow, that's a really pricey system.'"

Quelle: Sony's Online Free-for-All


es zählen aber nicht nur die sonyvorgaben, sondern auch die der entwickler:



ob sharing legal ist oder nicht ist also content-abhängig

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