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PS3 LED MOD Tutorial


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Tutorial 2 : PS3 Pulsing Slot Light MOD


This guide will teach you how to make a pulsing slot light for the PS3 drive just like the Nintendo Wii has.


NOTE: It will also void your warranty so use at your own risk! And im not resposible for anything you do to your PS3.


Materials Needed:

*Philips head screw driver

*Soldering iron /w solder

*SMD LED (Your color choice).

*PIC 12f629 (big or small version, bigger is easier in this case)

*PIC programmer


*470t86; resistor

*Wire (30 AWG Kynar wire recommended)

*Momentary push switch

*Proto Board(optional)

* PS3



To get started download the Pulse Hex from Here


Now use ICProg to program the PIC 12f629 with the PulseHEX you just downloaded from above.


After programming the chip, solder up the chip as shown below. Note: I have used the smaller version IN/S but it makes no difference.




You want wires coming from Pin 1,2,5& 8 for these are the pins we will be using. At this point i decided to wire up the circuit to a proto board this is the schematic:




Now wire as show in the schematic and you should have something like this:




I have a little plug where i can just unclip the LEDs when I need to remove the Drive


Once that is all wired up take apart the PS3 all you need to do is take its top off.




Now remove the BD drive there is a ribbon cable underneath it and a power cable at the side so just take not of them.

That power cable at the side I just mentioned is where we will be getting out power from its 12Volts so thats why we need the 470ohm resistor


Here is what I am talking about:




Now lets focus on the BD drive at the front at the moment there should be some felt, peel this off and put it somewhere in case we need it again.


Looking at the front case there is a hole at the right and left of the DVD drive (I used this to run the wiring through it helps hold it in place )

Now with that LED at that end i just put a little foam tape next to it to keep it in place and protection.




One completed and other not:




Both done; Note that the wiring can be hidden behind the front metal shielding if you opt to do this you will have to take apart the shielding from the BD drive a little bit

Both done connected the circuit board:




Now this is probably a good time to plug back all the ribbon and power cables the BD drive and then plug the circuit board into its 12V power points. and turn the PS3 on.

This is what you should get :




It should pulse at the fastest speed if this is your first time using it with that PIC but just press the push button to activate a slower sequence keep pressing the button till your happy with a speed.


Here is a picture of where the circuit board hides :




When finished correctly should look like this :





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Gast TheRock1401

Ich mein der leuchtende Laufwerksschlitz sieht schon echt geil aus!!!!


Ich werds aber net machen, ist mir zu heiß!!!!


Schade das die PS3 dass net schon von Hause aus hat!!!

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Ich hab mal versucht, meine alte Soft-Air aufzuschrauben weil ich mit einer Nadel schießen wollte, die sich verhackt hatte (:unschuldig::unschuldig::unschuldig:Jaja ich bin halt experimentierfreudig:unschuldig::unschuldig::unschuldig:)Nach dem ich dann die Nadel raushatte, hab ich das Teil nie wieder zusammengekriegt....Das mit dem Controller lass ich lieber sonst hab ich nur noch einen:D:D

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