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Super Hang-On


Empfohlene Beiträge



Eat My Dust - Pass 100 rival riders.

I Meant To Do That... - Crash 10 times.

Melodies of the Wind - Listen to all 4 songs.

One With The Wind - Hit 324km/h using turbo.

So Close - Run out of time just before a checkpoint.

Thank You! Thank You! - Crash your way through a checkpoint.

The Kiss of Fate - Cross the checkpoint with 1 second left.

Totally Radical! - Ride for 10 seconds on turbo.

Unforgettable Name - Fill a track ranking with a single name.




Always Full Throttle - Ride for 1 minute without braking.

In Control - Ride for 1 minute without hitting anything.




The Goal Is Just the Beginning - Finish a course.

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