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Alex Kidd in Miracle World


Empfohlene Beiträge



A Brush with Death - Outrun a ghost!

Copter Rider - Have a snack on the Petit-Copter!

Fists of Stone - Break 300 blocks with your fists.

Good Vibrations - Freeze in fear from breaking a Skull Block.

Octopus Sushi - Defeat both giant octopi.

Petit-Copter - Enjoy a sky cruise in the Petit-Copter.

Rockin' the Bike - Ride through Stage 2 on the Sukopako Motorcycle.

Shameful - Lose rock-paper-scissors even while using a Telepathy Ball.

Tears of Regret - Run out of lives in Janken's dungeon with less than $400.




Boat Cruise - Clear Stage 9 while on the Suisui Boat.

Mission Complete - Clear every stage.




Amazing Score - Collect all the items and finish the game.

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