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One Piece: Pirate Warrior


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2 years later – Clear the first stage

I`ll snap his nose – Succeed in a special attack against Arlong

Ah, crap, I`m losing my strength – Fall into the water 10 times

Too slow – Succeed in a special attack against Pacifista

I will surpass you – Collect the coins of all the powerful enemies that stand in your way

I`m alone! Clear the way – Defeat 1000 enemies in a level for the first time

You don`t understand a thing – Succeed in a special attack against Crocodile

Got your feet – Succeed in a special attack against Buggy

Move it!!! – Succeed in a special attack against Bruno

I`ll kick your ass! – Knocked out your enemy by striking his weak point for the first time

I never said…I was giving up – Succeed a special attack against Lucci

Sorry, I died – You retried an episode

I have my crew – You unleashed a “crewmate-strike” for the first time

Join my crew! – You established a skill for the first time

I smell adventure – Perform a Luffy action for the first time

Next is you, Straw Hat – Succeed a special attack against Akainu

The full might of the Marines – Collect the coins of all the Marine characters

A lone wolf chooses the path of death – Succeed in a special attack against Aokiji

Prepare yourself!! – Succeed in a special attack against Krieg

Straw Hat Pirates – Collect the coins of all the Straw Hat Pirates




Chopper loves cottan candy – Cleared Chopper`s Another Log

Whitebeard the Great Pirate – Cleared Whitebeard`s Another Log

Nico Robin the Devil Child – Cleared Robin`s Another Log

Thank you for loving me – Cleared Marineford as it happened in the story

Nami the Thieving Pussycat – Cleared Nami`s Another Log

Jinbei the Warrior of the Sea – Cleared Jinbei`s Another Log

Pirate Empress Boa Hancock – Cleared Hancock`s Another Log

Pirate Hunter Zoro – Cleared Zoro`s Another Log

Fire Fist Ace – Cleared Ace`s Another Log

King of the Snipers, Sogeking – Cleared Usopp`s Another Log

Iron Man Franky – Cleared Franky`s Another Log

Black-Leg Sanji – Cleared Sanji`s Another Log

Brook the Hummer – Cleared Brook`s Another Log




100.000 vs. 10 – Defeated 100.000 enemies in total

Run for it, we`ve got the gold – Achieved all skills

Straw Hat Luffy – Cleared the Main Log




King of the Greatest Sea in the World! – You`ve gotten all the trophies!

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