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Fifa 09 Trophäenliste


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Oha, habe gerade dies im offiziellen Fifa Forum gefunden.



Im offiziellen FIFA-Forum wurde nun bestätigt, dass das Fussi-Spiel einen Trophy-Support nachgepatcht bekommt:


Very quick Introduction. I am Mat Prior the line producer for Ultimate Team. I have been at EA for 8 years during which time I have worked on numerous games including 7 football titles.[…]


First off there seems to be a lot of questions around PS3 trophy support for Fifa 09 so let me speak to that. Yes it will be available for Fifa 09 and you don’t need to buy Ultimate team in order to get it. Ultimate team has its own trophies but you’ll get full trophy support for Fifa 09 for free without having to buy ultimate team, it will be part of the title update that will unlock the ability to download ultimate team.


Endlich was offizielles :)

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Oha, habe gerade dies im offiziellen Fifa Forum gefunden.



Im offiziellen FIFA-Forum wurde nun bestätigt, dass das Fussi-Spiel einen Trophy-Support nachgepatcht bekommt:


Very quick Introduction. I am Mat Prior the line producer for Ultimate Team. I have been at EA for 8 years during which time I have worked on numerous games including 7 football titles.[…]


First off there seems to be a lot of questions around PS3 trophy support for Fifa 09 so let me speak to that. Yes it will be available for Fifa 09 and you don’t need to buy Ultimate team in order to get it. Ultimate team has its own trophies but you’ll get full trophy support for Fifa 09 for free without having to buy ultimate team, it will be part of the title update that will unlock the ability to download ultimate team.


Endlich was offizielles :)

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