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Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Online Edition


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Schwer zu sagen, da das Matchmaking gerade ziemlich verbuggt und fehlerhaft ist.


We’ve seen some complaints about it taking a long time to get into a Ranked Match. Sorry about that! This is an unintentional side-effect of our “user friendly” Ranked Match system. It’s basically creating way more “clients” than “hosts” right now, resulting in “hosts” getting snapped up super-fast, while “clients” are left to basically wait in line. We’ll be patching to fix this as soon as we can, but for now, we ask that you please be patient.

Upcoming: we have a fix for both the “100 billion % disconnect rate” issue, and the “it takes a long time to get in a ranked match” issue. These fixes, as well as a few more (an issue with Hugo’s trial #2, a stun exploit in trials, etc.), will be making it into our next patch. We will also be raising the online level cap in that patch.


Early next week we should have a better idea of the "go live" date for that update after we submit to Sony and Microsoft.


Man sucht quasi 5-15 Minuten um ein Match mit zumindest einer gelben Verbindung zu finden. Das spielt weist einem ständig irgendwelche Spieler aus den Staaten und Japan zu. ~~


-> Ich adde euch beide mal für paar Runden. :bana2:

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