NBA 2K16: Patch 1.02 inkl. Changelog erschienen

Die Basketballsimulation „NBA 2K16“ wurde nun mit einem neuen Patch auf die Version 1.02 angehoben. Das Update ist bisher lediglich für die PlayStation 4 verfügbar und bringt insgesamt 2,253 Gigabyte auf die Waage.

Die Mannen von Visual Concepts haben vor allem an der allgemeinen Stabilität des Menüs und an der Performance der Online-Modi Hand angelegt. Allerdings wurden auch manche Änderungen an den Freischaltungen im MyCareer-Modus oder auch an den Statistiken im MyGM-Modus vorgenommen. Alle Änderungen kann man dem englischsprachigen Changelog entnehmen.


  • Resolved a rare case where the game would hang when entering/exiting the Tattoo editor when customizing the tattoos on your MyPLAYER.
  • Addressed an issue on the main menu where the title would freeze for a period of time before proceeding to the selected action (e.g. loading a MyCAREER save).
  • Tuned player sweat so that its effects are much more visible when playing longer quarter lengths.
  • Players will no longer slide/skate when pressing the block button during an inbound state.  It was funny while it lasted.
  • Tuned crowd excitement and intensity on made buzzer beaters.
  • Resolved a case where certain players (e.g. Kristaps Porzingis) would have their hairstyle change slightly when zooming in the camera very close in replay.


  • Pro-Am Team Play has been added to the game!  You can now play as a full team in your custom-built arenas.
  • Addressed a number of matchmaking issues that inhibited users from playing in Pro-Am Walk-On games.
  • Fixed an issue where your player would sometimes appear with the incorrect height (if you had more than one MyCAREER save file) when entering MyPARK/Pro-Am from within MyCAREER.
  • Fixed a rare case where the ball would get stuck in the High Roller courts, thus preventing a game from concluding.
  • Improved voice chat support in both MyPARK and 2K Pro-Am.
  • Improved the animation of the skateboard in MyPARK.  If you don’t have this, get it.  You can move between courts faster than those that are on-foot!
  • 2K Beats will now continue to play after finishing a game in MyPARK.


  • Fixed an issue where some users were unable to join their friends’ MyCOURTs.
  • Fixed an issue where the host user was unable to send MyCOURT invites after leaving MyPARK/Pro-Am with a squad.
  • Addressed a number of issues with Accolades not unlocking at the appropriate time within MyCAREER.
  • Pressing the back button will no longer cause the game to hang from the MyCAREER NEXT menu after being eliminated from the playoffs.


  • Numerous tuning and code enhancements to improve simulated player stats.
  • Playoff games (within a series) can no longer be played out of order in MyLEAGUE Online.
  • Found and fixed a case where visiting certain submenus with no head coach would cause the game to hang.
  • Fans of relocated/rebranded teams will no longer hold up signs referencing the previous identity of the team.
  • Fixed a rare hang that could occur when the ticker referenced a previous game result where all of the players on the team have since been traded.
  • Selecting to load a custom draft class will no longer cause a game hang in the MyGM offseason if you had previously been fired during that same offseason.

NOTE: All patch fixes will work in your existing game mode saves.


Quelle: Facebook

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14. Oktober 2015 um 17:32 Uhr