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Battlefield Stats


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die dumme meldung kommt bei mir auch noch jedesmal....:think: ich könnt ausrasten....dadurch entgeht mir ne "Find All Five"-Waffe, schlimm genug das schon 1 fehlt weil ich da game hätte da kaufen müssen dafür....

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Hier mal meine Stats von eben. Ich bin nicht wirklich gut.


Passt doch! Weiß garnicht, was Du hast? :think::good:


Was isn das letzte Bild??




Achievement - Voraussetzung

Zeile 1:

Get Me Started - Play one complete online match (ranked).

Leatherneck - Play 100 online matches.

Never Used A Door - Destroy 1000 walls.

Forest Ranger - Destroy 1000 trees.

With My Devil Dogs - Create a squad in the menu, find a friend and play one round.

There is no "I" in Squad! - 20 squad spawns on player in a round without dying.

Dog Owner - Collect 5 Dog Tags (Unique Players).

Zeile 2:

Get the Dog! - Collect 50 Dog Tags (Unique Players).

Be the Best - Place #1 on the scoreboard.

Vehikill - Get at least 1 kill in every vehicle.

Specialist - Reach rank 3.

Master Sergeant - Reach rank 8.

Colonel - Reach rank 20.

General of the Army - Reach rank 25 (highest rank).

Zeile 3:

Drive By - 100 kills using vehicles.

Catch the "Bad" Moment - Take 3 pictures using the image system.

Darwin's Parachute - Glide in the parachute for 3 seconds (there is no parachute, right?).

I am Bad Company! - Achieve all of the awards (Trophies, Wildcards, Patches).

Ooh Rah - Achieve half of the awards (Trophies, Wildcards, Patches).

Beans, Bullets and Bandages - Get 10002 kills.

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