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Top-Benutzer in diesem Thema

at first we will play our songs again and practise them .. later i`ll visit my Girlfriend and watch Legende von aang 3D


uh very interesting ^^

do you play in a bind ? which kind of music ?


my Studio monitors are broken :heul:

there was a AC select switcher at the back of the Speaker.

Music was playing and i switch the selector and then i heard a loud nois.

The Speaker don't let be switched on :heul:

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uh very interesting ^^

do you play in a bind ? which kind of music ?


my Studio monitors are broken :heul:

there was a AC select switcher at the back of the Speaker.

Music was playing and i switch the selector and then i heard a loud nois.

The Speaker don't let be switched on :heul:


yeah its a Metalcore Band with Deathcore-"einflüssen"

ohh poor boy >.< ;D

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