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FIFA 13 Ultimate Team [1.Post lesen] [Spams bitte melden!]


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angeblich das gesamte TDW....mit weidenfeller und Arnautovic....wobei der RM sein soll.....

kann aber fake sein....





Wir werden sehn! Aber was ich geil finde ist das das letzte TdW mit Kompany, Ibra, Iniesta etc. einen Tag weniger zu ziehen war. Und da ich Kompany IF habe und davon ausgehe dass jetzt genug Coins in Umlauf sind könnte ich einiges damit verdienen!

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Wir werden sehn! Aber was ich geil finde ist das das letzte TdW mit Kompany, Ibra, Iniesta etc. einen Tag weniger zu ziehen war. Und da ich Kompany IF habe und davon ausgehe dass jetzt genug Coins in Umlauf sind könnte ich einiges damit verdienen!


das ist das was ich scheisse finde hahahaha

wollte eigentlich noch nen lewandowski IF holen (einen zweiten) damit ich ihn dann teurer verkaufen kann....glaub ich krieg den nicht mehr so "billig" wie den ersten -.-


es sei denn die verlängern das alte TDW um einen tag....was eigentlich ganz geil wäre^^

oder um ne woche.....sodass es 2 TDW´s zum ziehen gibt....was aber wieder kacke wäre weil dann hätte ich zu viel für Lewandowski und Dante ausgegeben^^

Bearbeitet von TheDonster
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Wurde im EA UK Forum gepostet:


The time has come. It took 3 days but we decided i should release this.


Conclusion of the chaos

My friends friend decided to turn his back on us and greed ultimately got him. From what we first needed him for the a couple of million coins, he demanded to know the glitch aswell. As we gave him the trust it was sadly a time question before he changed.

He became one of us for a short period of time before switching side, releasing the glitch to his friends and eventually injected millions in the market by buying all players over 3 million and any inform on the market on both consoles. (Thats why PC wasnt affected btw)


If it wasnt for him the glitch would be in safe hands. Thats depends on how you define safe 8a80c6485cd926be453217d59a84a888.gif



The Story from beginning to end

Well basically, after the iOS app was released you were probably enjoying the new fast trading and all. But what you didnt realize was that if somebody introduces something new, anything, solutions may appear.. but so does problems. That goes with anything in life. Anyhow, the point is that a group consisting of me and an old PS3 hacking friend from Russia started to unseriously look after loopholes in the application from my intiative. This took place somewhere in the middle of october.


Anyhow, the brainstorming was unserious at first but luckily after a couple of weeks we presented eachothers ideas. To keep the story easy for you im not going to go so deep in the exact method and conclude it instead. We had tons of ideas like duplicating the app and create an identical one with the same server but different rules, rewriting the coin generating code but most flattering one was my PS3s friend about remote controlling.

From basic knowledge of servers, he realized that if you remote controlled your iphone AND being online on the webapp at the same time, 2 different sessions will be created but on the same server.

What does that mean? It means you could do something on livesesssion #1 and making it stick to both livesessions without affecting livesession #2. When youre active on livesession #2 it will misstakely think its the same as livesession #1 was before because the circumstances are identical.


Might sound weird yes. If you want to hear it in fifa language this is basically what it was in one sentence:

Buy something for session #1, no coins goes away at remote controlled session #2... Repeat and you have won the game.


So what happened later? Well we were in chock and pretty much power *. We just realised that a simple experiment just lead to a possible thousand dollar buissness. By the way if it matters, the time the glitch was mapped out was somewhere around 20th of november.

Here comes the issue.. his "friend". The date was something like 28/29th, Me & my PS3 friend decided to set ourselves out with about 10+ million each. Problem was that we didnt have any starting coins over like 50k. Therfore we decided he should contact his "trustworthy" friend to borrow some to eventually start buying players. The trades were successfull and we paid back the borrowed amount to the "friend".

What we didnt take notice of was that we not only showed up on ultimadedb.nl but also on the leaderboards with our team names. But because of pricefixers and what not we were sure EA wouldnt do anything if we didnt reach the number #1 spot of 27 million by theSence.


Aaaaand here comes to downfall, the ultimatum. Basically the his "friend" insisted, and i mean desperately insisted to have an answer on what was going on. He was bombing us, spamming us, calling us on skype and demanded an answer of "How could we suddenly be millionaires in a day?"

If we didnt answer him we assumed he would ea call, email, report etc.

Instead of the behalf of my PS3 friends trust, we didnt start arguing an and let him on our side. He became one of us. The FUT power was way too big to risk.


So as you read from above you know how it ended. His friends friends friends friends abused it to an extent that you guys were noticing it on the 4th of december. Then you started to abuse it and here we sit waiting for something we dont know.


Hope youve read it all, i actually wasted 1h on writing this 385970365b8ed7503b4294502a458efa.gif





MODS/DEVS; Delete this, ban me, Go ahead. It doesnt make sense anymore. Anything EA related has become unhuman anyway. Wake the fuck up and realize how corrupt you have become. How utterly * EA SPORTS has become over the years and how you dont give a rats azz about your customers. Moreover, it will be no surprise if we find another loophole to exploit and laugh at you.


Community: We are deeply sorry if our actions has lead to an negative impact on your life. But at the bright side you can learn a lesson here. Be careful who you trust. Your best friends can be your biggest enemies.


To experienced and curious hackers: Feel free to email me at xxxxxxxx@hotmail.com for any questions and perhaps requests.


- Im not going to release my full name nor my groups name, nor my friends name. But you can have the name of the **** who ruined it. Just email me for it. The address is above.










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Moin zusammen, schön, dass es wieder geht!!!

Jemand Vorschlag für neues Team? Budget 700k, Liga egal, aber bevorzugt Brasi-Team oder BPL. Aufstellung auch egal, aber mal was anderes, was sich gut spielen lässt. Also kein 41212 oder so.










Marchisio kannst du auch als IF nehmen...

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Marchisio kannst du auch als IF nehmen...


Sieht gut aus, aber Hernandez, Lucio und Wallyseon gefallen mir gar nicht...



Schon mal jemand mit 5221 gespielt? Ist die gut?

So dann vielleicht:


Bearbeitet von FS985
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Moin zusammen, schön, dass es wieder geht!!!

Jemand Vorschlag für neues Team? Budget 700k, Liga egal, aber bevorzugt Brasi-Team oder BPL. Aufstellung auch egal, aber mal was anderes, was sich gut spielen lässt. Also kein 41212 oder so.







433 Mix


Neymar------Torres------Ben Arfa






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Sieht gut aus, aber Hernandez, Lucio und Wallyseon gefallen mir gar nicht...



Schon mal jemand mit 5221 gespielt? Ist die gut?

So dann vielleicht:



Raule glaub ich war ziemlich begeistert von der Formation...

@Balo dein Team gefällt mir...

und cooles Profilbild... :)


Edit: http://www.futhead.com/fifa/squads/1937293/#squad-player


gefällt dir das?

Bearbeitet von Gast
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