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Just Cause 3


Welche Bewertung gibst du Just Cause 3?  

15 Benutzer abgestimmt

  1. 1. Welche Bewertung gibst du Just Cause 3?

    • Perfekt!
    • 1 - sehr gut
    • 2 - gut
    • 3 - durchschnittlich
    • 4 - schlecht
    • 5 - sehr schlecht
    • Miserabel!

Empfohlene Beiträge

@Semperfi: (Quotefunktion geht nicht gerade)


es gibt 2 möglichkeiten, 1. nach der 3. Mission oder so von Mario bekommst du die möglichkeit mit "Flares" ne schnellreise zu machen, das wird aber alles erklärt, damit kannst du aber "nur" zu bereits befreiten orten und challenges reisen


2. wenn du alle Rebellenschreine anzündest kannst du anscheinend auch komplett uneingeschränkt durch die welt reisen, wie das funzt weiß ich aber nicht, hab das nur gelesen

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So nach der unerträgliche Stille gibts nun Neuigkeiten von offizieller Seite.


Quelle: justcause.com


Just Cause 3 launched yesterday. We've received some great review scores and have been enjoying all the incredible videos and amazing comments you've made so far. We're excited that the game is finally in your hands as we love seeing the crazy things new players do in our massive, explosive sandbox. Thank you for your support!



However, we know that some of you are encountering some technical issues – we’re looking into them all and we’re fully committed to providing you the best possible experience.



We know you’re going to want specific information on when a patch will land and what will be fixed – we would love to give you that information, and we will as soon as we have it. But right now, a little over one day since we launched, we have huge numbers of players in our enormous game world and we’re monitoring all the data coming in.



We need a little bit of time to recreate some of these issues and build fixes. Rest assured though – we are fully committed to making Just Cause 3 as awesome as possible. We already know loads of people are having a blast with the game but we’ll do all we can to make sure everyone is laughing and smiling as they play.



If you do encounter any issues, please contact our Customer Support here: http://bit.ly/JC3CustomerSupport



We’d recommend PC players also visit the Steam forums as there are a number of tips there can could improve or fix some of the issues that have been reported (pinned posts).



So thanks for your patience – we’ll come back to you with more information as soon as we have it.



Mehr wollten wir ja eigentlich nicht hören. Jetzt heisst es abwarten und Tee trinken :)

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