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Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Generation


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Besser nich...will mir das gar nich bei online-matches vorstellen. Natürlich mag ich Jutsu-Clash, kenn keinen der schneller drückt als ich^^


ICh finde sowieso das Generations eine gute Sache ist, aber eher als Lückenfüller, quasi das Tekken Tag Tournament der Storm Serie. Jedoch für Storm 3 hätte ich gerne offline zumindest wieder affengeile Ultimate Jutsus wie man sie kennt, wenn man sich dafür auch nur auf die wichtigsten Charaktere beschränkt wär das fair okay, und online haben die dann ne Kurzversion. Dafür aber auch wieder 2 ausrüstbare Jutsus und Storm 3 wäre perfekt.


Aber jetzt erstma Generations und so wie es ist wird es bestimmt einfach super. Viel wettbewerbstauglicher als vorher!

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Grad noch schnell ne neue Meldung und zwar 6 große Unterschiede zu Storm 2 von saiyanislands.com


Enhancement #1: Respawning location of substitution jutsu has became farther than previous Storm games

With this adjustment, you (as an attacker) will have some time to deal with the opponent’s return attack. This is a modest change and the time is really short, but high-level players could gain more options after the substitution is performed.


Enhancement #2: Vulnerable moment after releasing Chakra Shuriken

CC2 received a lot of negative feedbacks for chakra shuriken spamming”, so we made some tweaks here. CC2′s focus in is not to make shuriken useless, so you can still experience the shuriken battle feeling. In Generations, you will not be able to keep shooting Chakra Shuriken as fast as Storm 2.


Enhancement #3: The wait time to activate Ultimate Team Jutsus now takes longer and can be cancelled out with attacks easily.

In Storm 2, sometimes Team Ultimates seemed invincible, especially when used as a counter attack to the opponent’s attack. With this enhancement, you can now cancel the opponent’s Team Ultimate by attacking them quick enough.


Enhancement #4: You can now cancel ongoing combos and jump

In other words, you can cancel your ground combo and switch to an aerial combo. Also, you can jump and avoid the opponent’s counterattack when your combo is guarded.


Enhancement#5: Players can now cancel ongoing combos and immediately start a ninja move!

If your opponent performs a substitution and uses a jutsu to counterattack your combo, now you can perform a ninja move (and possibly get the opponent’s back!) With this, you can take advantage of the opponent.


Enhancement #6: You can now press the substitution jutsu button slightly prior/after hit! Example: If the L2 button is pressed before or the moment your opponent’s attack hits, you will perform a substitution jutsu and dodge the attack, without taking any damage, at the cost of depleting a part of the substitution bar

Example 2: If the L2 button is pressed after your opponent’s attack hits, you will perform a substitution jutsu and dodge the attack, but with the damage AND at the at the cost of depleting a part of the substitution bar.

With this, you can perform substitution jutsus in unexpected timing, so that the players can enjoy more strategic gameplay!






Außerdem gibts dort noch Video auf der Startseite in der man Mei Terumii im Hintergrund kämpfen sehen kann.

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Aber ganz ehrlich mein Freund, erwarte bei über 70 Charakteren keine 140 Jutsus...das Spiel soll ja auch noch auf die Xbox :D

WTF, 70 Charaktere?


Das Spiel ist gekauft...:trollface:

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