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Sniper Elite V3


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hey leute ich hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen


Ich hab bis jetzt nur den Singleplayer gespielt und wollte mal online schauen was da so geht aber ich komm einfach nicht zum zocken


entweder finde ich kein spiel oder ich werde rausgeschmissen wenn das spiel lädt


woran kann das liegen ?




Das problem haben alle. Hab aber gestern noch auf der Facebook Seite von Rebellion gelesen das diese Woche noch ein patch rauskommt.

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Das problem haben alle. Hab aber gestern noch auf der Facebook Seite von Rebellion gelesen das diese Woche noch ein patch rauskommt.


auf pc gibt es den patch schon einige tage :


Version 1.02 Patch Notes


Bug fixes:


Clients could kill the host player in co-op if a killcam was triggered, causing a co-op

desync where the host player would only be dead on only one machine. This is now prevented.

Melee kills on AI should always result in ragdolls, preventing the occasional "dead but still-standing and unsearchable" progression blocker.

Changing the server filters and then entering a server should no longer leave you in an empty lobby that can't be exited.

SVT-40 should no longer cause desyncs in co-op.

Attempt to fix the animation issues with DLC weapons (we're continuing to look at this issue, so if you still see problems after the patch,

please get in touch with our support team).

Prevent sprinting from a gamepad if sprinting is disabled on the server settings.

In game voting buttons now correctly say "hold" when using a gamepad.

Relax the tests for placement of trip mines on stairs.

AI no longer propagate knowledge during a bulletcam preventing the occasional alert when you kill someone.

The effect of bushes on the player's visibility to AI is no longer applied permanently.

Change the mouse-cursor behaviour to better support windowed mode.

Fix various issues with the "saving content" notification getting stuck or not persisting onto various menu pages.

Fix the aspect ratio of the Trench Gun icon in the radial menu.

Improve display of really long server names and reduce the flickering of the server list.

Improve scrolling behaviour of the server list (we have a further improvement pending for maintaining the selection while

scrolling with a mouse and generally improving the mousewheel behaviour but it missed this patch).

Server settings should now be shown on the respawn and in-game pause menus.

Chat should now be present in co-op campaign.

Czech language should now have english dialogue present where previously missing.

Fixed issue with achievement text in the Steam client if language set to Hungarian.

Various localisation issues fixed.

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auf pc gibt es den patch schon einige tage :


Version 1.02 Patch Notes


Bug fixes:


Clients could kill the host player in co-op if a killcam was triggered, causing a co-op

desync where the host player would only be dead on only one machine. This is now prevented.

Melee kills on AI should always result in ragdolls, preventing the occasional "dead but still-standing and unsearchable" progression blocker.

Changing the server filters and then entering a server should no longer leave you in an empty lobby that can't be exited.

SVT-40 should no longer cause desyncs in co-op.

Attempt to fix the animation issues with DLC weapons (we're continuing to look at this issue, so if you still see problems after the patch,

please get in touch with our support team).

Prevent sprinting from a gamepad if sprinting is disabled on the server settings.

In game voting buttons now correctly say "hold" when using a gamepad.

Relax the tests for placement of trip mines on stairs.

AI no longer propagate knowledge during a bulletcam preventing the occasional alert when you kill someone.

The effect of bushes on the player's visibility to AI is no longer applied permanently.

Change the mouse-cursor behaviour to better support windowed mode.

Fix various issues with the "saving content" notification getting stuck or not persisting onto various menu pages.

Fix the aspect ratio of the Trench Gun icon in the radial menu.

Improve display of really long server names and reduce the flickering of the server list.

Improve scrolling behaviour of the server list (we have a further improvement pending for maintaining the selection while

scrolling with a mouse and generally improving the mousewheel behaviour but it missed this patch).

Server settings should now be shown on the respawn and in-game pause menus.

Chat should now be present in co-op campaign.

Czech language should now have english dialogue present where previously missing.

Fixed issue with achievement text in the Steam client if language set to Hungarian.

Various localisation issues fixed.



wird dann mal langsam zeit.


ich liebe snipern und hat auch richtig spass gemacht bis seit offiziellen release nichts mehr ging.

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Hallo, ich hab folgendes Problem.

Die Kampagne ist durchgespielt und alles gesammelt, aber bei Fortschritt steht 96%. Wo ist der Fehler?


Nen Kollege hat das gleiche Problem alles eingesammelt, optionale Missionen usw aber zeigt trotzdem nur 98% Gesamterfolg an :nixweiss:




kann es sein das der Schwierigkeitsgrad im Coop ganz anders wirkt als im SP?!


mir kommt der extrem hochgeschraubt vor


Ich habe SP gleich auf ELITE angefangen und ohne zu zucken durchgezockt.


Gestern dann das erste mal Coop auch auf ELITE aber andauernd entdeckt worden und die Gegner haben Adleraugen auf 1000m im Dunkeln, schiesswütig wie die Pest usw...voll der Beschiss :lol:



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